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1.) Swamp Fox - 03/08/2014
Many more!
2.) OKY - 03/08/2014
Happy birthday, buddy!:hb:
3.) billy b - 03/08/2014
Happy birthday my friend & many more
4.) Hunter - 03/08/2014
Happy birthday!! :wave:
5.) Firemanj - 03/08/2014
Happy birthday buddy!!
6.) Triton Rich - 03/08/2014
[B]Happy Birthday D! I hope you had a great day[/B] :-)
7.) toxophilite - 03/09/2014
not sure what's up here but I thought I would let you know "D's" birthday is September 27th :re:
8.) crookedeye - 03/09/2014
that's what I thought....jumping around like it's new years eve or something..
9.) Deerminator - 03/09/2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME All gifts, cards and money orders will be gladly accepted. Now and on Sept 27th.:wink Thanks Swampy:tu: 10.) Deerminator - 03/09/2014
OH!, I also accept personal checks and cash
11.) crookedeye - 03/09/2014
swampy was trying to do something good... what a loser...
my neice is having a baby the end of march. i'm going to be a great great uncle... I also will accept personal checks!! 12.) Deerminator - 03/09/2014
Congradlations great great uncle crookedeye.
13.) ARCHERXP - 03/10/2014
happy birthday!
14.) luv2bowhunt - 03/10/2014
Since it's not your birthday, have a sucky day.:td::wink
15.) bluecat - 03/10/2014
[QUOTE=Deerminator;17678]OH!, I also accept personal checks and cash[/QUOTE]
What is your paypal account? 16.) Deerminator - 03/10/2014
PM for pay-pal
17.) Swamp Fox - 03/10/2014
LOL...It said it was Deerminator's birthday on the homepage, big as life. Check your profile, D. :cf:
18.) Deerminator - 03/10/2014
:laugh: It does :cf: