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1.) luv2bowhunt - 01/08/2014
Here I am suffering through the painful rehab and I find a thread that lifts my spirits, a real pick me up.

Only to check back in and find it deleted. You sir, once again, have sucked all the life out of the room.:re: I'm guessing it was headed south, but it was fun while it lasted. I still have parts of it tucked away in the recesses of my brain and you can never take that from me.

Unless it was all just a reaction from the pain pills. Those have been a real journey to the center of my mind.:wave:

Luv is all you need.
2.) Wild Bob - 01/08/2014
We could always start a 'How to sling sand in the sand box' thread...

Hope you start feeling better soon amigo. Now, can I have some of those pain pills too?
3.) Deerminator - 01/08/2014
4.) DParker - 01/08/2014
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;14460]I'm guessing it was headed south[/QUOTE]

"Headed" south? I think it started somewhere just below Patagonia, and had a penguin escort.
5.) Floyd - 01/08/2014
What I saw last Luv2 was Mike eating popcorn and enjoying the show. Then locked. Then deleted.

Frankly, I thought Kenny did a good job in explaining toward the end there and the thread was headed back on track. Except that Kenny wanted it deleted initially, so, good call.

But hey, you still have the moment to reflect on LUV2. That can't be taken away from you. Along with your smirk in remembrance. Because you did admit you was entertained.
6.) bluecat - 01/08/2014

Go Ted Go!
7.) luv2bowhunt - 01/09/2014
I remember Mike showing up. He never says anything anymore, just shows up. We used to be buds, now he's just against the common man.

I thought Kenny was just getting good in that thread. He made sense on the last post. I'm starting to think that he and Jon have a few issues with each other. Jon hates me too, so Kenny and I have that in common at least.

Floyd, your leadership skills were evident in the last thread. Thanks for all you do in keeping the threads relevant and on track.

......where did I put those pills..............I'm upping it to 3 this time. If 2 works, 3 must be even better.
8.) Ventilator - 01/09/2014
3 is always better. :)

Glad we could entertain you for a least a short while.

Speedy recovery to you Luvvy.
9.) luv2bowhunt - 01/09/2014
I luv these pills. If everyone took these we could finally achieve world peace. Tune in, turn on, and drop out.

Luv the one you're with.
10.) Deerminator - 01/09/2014

11.) Floyd - 01/09/2014
I bet we don't experience much of a dynamic change from old Luv2 to the new benevolent Luv23pills.
12.) Wild Bob - 01/09/2014
Didn't we, as a nation, try this approach in the 60's???? :cf:
13.) Deerminator - 01/09/2014
Yes and it generated the baby boom and ended the Vietnam non declared war.
Also produced a generation of kids with an education that toped the world.
14.) DParker - 01/09/2014
[QUOTE=Wild Bob;14479]Didn't we, as a nation, try this approach in the 60's???? :cf:[/QUOTE]

I don't remember.
15.) Wild Bob - 01/09/2014
Luv2 come in....Come in Luv2! Are you back yet?

Take 'er easy on those things will ya? You're fading in and out...
16.) luv2bowhunt - 01/10/2014
I'm just digging the groovy lights and stuff. Far out man.

Time for another fix....I mean dosage. 7:00 PM is 4 hours since 3:00 PM.....I think......close enough if it isn't.

The room will be doing flip flops again real soon. This day seems like it's been going on for a week and a half.

Alex is afraid to respond to me again, anyone else notice that? Luv that guy and his twin brother.
17.) Deerminator - 01/10/2014
Ya might have to load up his E-mail with videos again
18.) Swamp Fox - 01/10/2014
[QUOTE=Deerminator;14480]Yes and it generated the baby boom and ended the Vietnam non declared war.
Also produced a generation of kids with an education that toped the world.[/QUOTE]

A few million re-educated Vietnamese communists can't be wrong....Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who were exterminated, died of famine or at penal labor, or who were lost at sea fleeing the results of the American abandonment before they could receive their diplomas. Millions, even, if you count Cambodia.

Our educational results top the world if you don't count the top 20 or 30 countries of the world. Whatever might have been our strengths educating the children of the 60's have not been continued once the children of the 60's took the reins.


19.) Floyd - 01/10/2014
Fly on you crazy diamond in the sky.

Have some Colorado brownies shipped in.
20.) luv2bowhunt - 01/10/2014
My wife thinks I'm taking too much pain meds, starting to monitor my pill consumption. She's a narc, a sellout, a real bummer man.

Don't confuse me with facts Chris.:wink

While I was under the influence of narcotics last night I got a great idea for a new camo pattern. Kind of looked like a piece of slush that fell off the salt truck.

I'll post a pic of it later when I get time to draw it.
21.) CHRIS - 01/10/2014
Luv2 what is work doing without you while being out of commission? You know you steer the ship out there in central PA.
Recover soon.
PS: for a better buzz chase those meds with a little booze :-)
22.) luv2bowhunt - 01/10/2014
Funny you should ask. Wednesday my right hand man couldn't get a PA T-Pike bid submitted, had to have my wife drive me, hobble in and save the day.

Came in third anyway, but at least I looked like a real committed employee.:tu:
23.) CHRIS - 01/10/2014
are you bidding any of the turnpike stuff out here in the east? major crap happening over the next decade that's for sure.
24.) luv2bowhunt - 01/10/2014
So far no. We've had bad experiences over there with the unions and some of the contractors. Alan A. Myers owes us a chunk of money from the last time we did conc. pav't for them on SR 176.
25.) CHRIS - 01/10/2014
I hear ya. makes no sense working for free.
26.) DParker - 01/10/2014
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;14494]My wife thinks I'm taking too much pain meds, starting to monitor my pill consumption. She's a narc, a sellout, a real bummer man.[/QUOTE]

Fight the system! Don't let yourself be hassled by the {wo}man....man!!!!!!
27.) Go Bucks - 01/11/2014
What thread? Dammmmmmit!

Should have known... i can always spend more time at the office, but once you miss a party... you miss it forever.
28.) Deerminator - 01/11/2014
Next time ya have to go back to the office take along that can of instant spray sweat.
And a clip board, that always makes ya look important.