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1.) Swamp Fox - 12/10/2013
Since Santa is coming and Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I thought we'd hash out any pros and cons of cameras we might be using and others might like to try.
Right now, I'm all hot and bothered about cameras that emit no flash and no blinking lights. Every year I get at least one bad reaction from a good buck "on film." It has always been on a trail or near a crossing area in the woods, where most of my cameras are. Cameras on food sources like feeders or plots do not seem to make a buck turn around and leave, but cameras in the middle of nowhere will. I'm most interested in the good the bad and the ugly about the Primos Ultra Stealth (46, I think). Not the EL version. I've ruled that one out already for some reason that I can't recall right now. But chime in about any cameras you have experience with... (And yes, I could hang cameras up in trees in some places to cut down on the spook factor, but I can't in others, and it's a little more of a PITA than I want to go through anyway, if I don't have to.) 2.) Ohbuckhunter - 12/10/2013
I'm going to dlc covert cameras. I have bought 2 in the last month. The mp6 so far takes great pics. I'll give more of a review on it after another month since it's cold.
The other camera I have is the black ops. That's the one that send you the pics to your phone via text. Just got it. So again I can't tell what my thoughts are beside. If they work as good as I think there going to ill have 4-5 more of them next year and never go check cams again. Just change battery's once a year. 3.) Ohbuckhunter - 12/10/2013
I had a mishap this year where I had 11 moultrie camera went down in 2 weeks. Freak of nature but pisses me off. Not that I'm made about most of them that went down cause there was 4+ years old. But 3 of them where brand new.
4.) Swamp Fox - 12/11/2013
What did you do to them? Feed them cheap batteries? Run them over with a tractor?
I've had excellent durability from Wildgame Innovations and fair-to-good durability from Bushnell (with excellent customer service). Here's a question I thought of over the weekend: Is there a way to view full-sized SD cards using a smart phone? If there's no integral technology, do any or most of them have a USB port for a card reader? I have a little viewer (from Moultrie, I think) but I don't carry it in the field much. In addition to being one more thing to pack, the screen is small and the delete function slow, so I usually just wait to view pics on a laptop. 5.) Ohbuckhunter - 12/11/2013
I've ran nothing but rayovac in them for years. Yeah there cheap battery's. But I'll run the copper top
To answer you question about viewing pics on a smart phone in the field. Yes. iPhone. You have to buy a 30$ adapter though. [url]http://bit.ly/1kxg2cc[/url] Cheaper on eBay. 6.) NEBigAl - 12/11/2013
I have a Moultrie D40. Im looking to get 2-3 more, but I have no idea what to get. That being said, I like my Moultrie a lot.
7.) Ohbuckhunter - 12/11/2013
Wanna buy 5 more. :)
8.) luv2bowhunt - 12/11/2013
I'm still stuck on your being so lazy you can't elevate the cameras. It takes like an extra 3 minutes.
I know you're running a tight schedule........but.......:-) I do have a video of a buck noticing my IR Bushnell camera at night, that is up about 8' in the tree. Just goes to show you, you never know. What he saw/heard, who knows? [video]http://s103.photobucket.com/user/gerryg64/media/15.mp4.html?sort=3&o=7#/user/gerryg64/media/15.mp4.html?sort=3&o=7&_suid=138676531600006932335359674631[/video] 9.) luv2bowhunt - 12/11/2013
Every camera has pros and cons. I've been using the Bushnell HD's lately and I like them about 83%. There are things I don't like about them, like ease of setup.
Way too complicated for a quick change in settings, also I get alot of videos of wind and sun. 10.) crookedeye - 12/11/2013
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;13486]I'm still stuck on your being so lazy you can't elevate the cameras. It takes like an extra 3 minutes.
I know you're running a tight schedule........but.......:-) I do have a video of a buck noticing my IR Bushnell camera at night, that is up about 8' in the tree. Just goes to show you, you never know. What he saw/heard, who knows? [video]http://s103.photobucket.com/user/gerryg64/media/15.mp4.html?sort=3&o=7#/user/gerryg64/media/15.mp4.html?sort=3&o=7&_suid=138676531600006932335359674631[/video][/QUOTE] nice buck.. I bought a camera last year and all i got was real close close-ups of me looking into the camera lens..i still cant see right after all the direct bulb flashes... 11.) Ventilator - 12/11/2013
My Droid razr M can read micro Sd cards. The fix is to use the full size adaptor with the micro card in your cameras. Hell, your flipper phone may read micros too. You may already have what you need, except for 10-12 micros and adaptors to buy.
12.) Ohbuckhunter - 12/11/2013
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;13486]I'm still stuck on your being so lazy you can't elevate the cameras. It takes like an extra 3 minutes.
I know you're running a tight schedule........but.......:-) I do have a video of a buck noticing my IR Bushnell camera at night, that is up about 8' in the tree. Just goes to show you, you never know. What he saw/heard, who knows? [video]http://s103.photobucket.com/user/gerryg64/media/15.mp4.html?sort=3&o=7#/user/gerryg64/media/15.mp4.html?sort=3&o=7&_suid=138676531600006932335359674631[/video][/QUOTE] I just got them covert cameras. I can tell ya all the cameras I've used and likes in dislikes. Moultrie d40/d50. Work great for there price point. Take great pics but there more of a camera for over a feeder or mineral. The trigger speed is less than par. If I had to guess id say 4 seconds. There easy to setup but very hard to hide cause there huge Moultrie L50. I've went through 7 of these cameras. In 2 years. It's like they work great when they do work. I had one I just took out the package and sold it to LNL and guess what. Doesn't work. So now you gotta send it back to them. There CS is pretty good so I can't complain about them but I will say there cameras need some improvement. But not much cause there cheap. Moultrie m80. Great camera. Takes great video and pics. Battery life is about 10-12000 pics on a good set of battery's. Pretty easy to set up and change settings as well. Buckeye cam. Awesome camera. It's a great cameras if you live where you hunt. They say 5 mile radius but that's flat line. Count in for hills and what not then your lucky to get 3 miles. There expensive but work as advertised. I didn't own these but played with them for 6 months back in 05. They haven't changed much since then. Once I get a feel for the coverts I'll give my oppinion. 13.) Swamp Fox - 12/11/2013
[QUOTE=Ventilator;13492]My Droid razr M can read micro Sd cards. The fix is to use the full size adaptor with the micro card in your cameras. Hell, your flipper phone may read micros too. You may already have what you need, except for 10-12 micros and adaptors to buy.[/QUOTE]
Am I getting this right: There's a way to use micro cards in my cameras by using an adapter? Then I download or view them on any phone that uses a micro card? That might be cool, except for the expense of an adequate inventory of micro cards and adapters, and the small screens of my current phones. Unless micro cards are a lot more popular than I think (other than in phones) some genius who designs big honkin' smartphones with big honkin' screens ought to find an easy way to view/download full-sized SD cards. 14.) Ventilator - 12/11/2013
i havent actually put the theory to the test on my cameras. But the logic is sound in my opinion. I may still have an adaptor at home. I may try it out this weeked.
15.) Ohbuckhunter - 12/11/2013
When I had a blackberry I use to run micro sd in my cameras to do this. On my android tablet it also has a micro sd and can check the cams with it if I have a micro in them with the adapter.
16.) Swamp Fox - 12/11/2013
Huh! I wonder why someone thinks it's better to design a camera you need to use an adapter with than to design a common viewer (such as a cell phone or tablet) that reads full-sized cards from the get go?
17.) DParker - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;13526]Huh! I wonder why someone thinks it's better to design a camera you need to use an adapter with than to design a common viewer (such as a cell phone or tablet) that reads full-sized cards from the get go?[/QUOTE]
Strictly speaking, the adapter isn't required to view anything, it's so you can use a micro-SD card in a device (the trail cam, in this case) that uses a standard (full-size) card. You can read the full-size cards from just about any PC. But since the adapters are included with the micro-SD cards there's nothing extra required in order to have the cam and your mobile devices use the same card. 18.) Swamp Fox - 12/12/2013
Oh, I've got all that but the last statement. I think I've bought a whopping two micro cards in my life, so I forgot about the adapter being included.
I just want to know what genius decided to omit full-sized card reading from cell phones, since they all seem to be for something other than making phone calls these days...:wink...You'd think making photo-viewing as accessible as possible would be high on the list of capabilities...But maybe I'm just a dreamer...:-) 19.) DParker - 12/12/2013
Probably some genius who decided that there was no way to justify dedicating extra space for a full-sized card in a pocket-portable device that's already crammed full of electronics when micro cards deliver up to 64 GB of storage, and for the $3.50 in change you probably have sitting in one of the Bronco's cup holders you can get a plug-in adapter that will read every major memory card standard:
[URL="http://www.ebay.com/itm/390698585811"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/390698585811[/URL] 20.) Swamp Fox - 12/12/2013
Now, why would I want a big dangly adapter when an integral full-sized SD card slot would do?
Maybe I would have to give up the ability to play Pong on my phone...:re: I'm starting to think the computer geniuses are in bed with the Obamacare geniuses....:wink [ATTACH=CONFIG]313[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]314[/ATTACH] 21.) DParker - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;13535]Now, why would I want a big dangly adapter when an integral full-sized SD card slot would do?[/QUOTE]
Because it doesn't make any sense to permanently waste space all the time in an already crowded device just to accommodate an occasional use that is easily handled via the temporary connection of a simple $3.50 doohicky for the once-in-while occasions that you're going to have need of it for maybe a couple of minutes. Oh, and the external dangly thing does the job much better because it reads more than just SD cards. When you're engineering tons-o'-functionality gizmos designed to fit in a shirt pocket every cubic millimeter counts. And there are no beans in chili. 22.) Swamp Fox - 12/12/2013
I can see this is going nowhere...:wink
I think if you've already made the leap to justify carrying around a smartphone, which I think are pretty big and certainly less portable than any of the phones I've owned since my bag phone, you would be okay with a unit 1/4 inch deeper and 1/2 an inch taller to be able to use a memory card that I presume a large majority of photos are taken on. I think tablets will get smaller, and it wouldn't surprise me if smartphones get bigger. Someday, they'll meet in the middle. And there ARE beans in chili....I've seen them! 23.) Swamp Fox - 12/12/2013
Good thing I didn't buy a whole bunch of these...
[url]http://www.engadget.com/2007/05/07/microdia-launches-16gb-sdhc-card-your-pocketbook-weeps-for-sham/[/url] 24.) DParker - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;13537]I can see this is going nowhere...:wink
I think if you've already made the leap to justify carrying around a smartphone, which I think are pretty big and certainly less portable than any of the phones I've owned since my bag phone, you would be okay with a unit 1/4 inch deeper and 1/2 an inch taller to be able to use a memory card that I presume a large majority of photos are taken on.[/quote] Since my Galaxy S4 is only 0.31" thick another 0.25" would be a huge increase...though that's a gross overstatement of what would be required. But where do you draw the line? There are a dozen or more hardware goodies you could add on, with each not requiring that much space individually. And I'd wager that more photos are now taken using cell phones than with dedicated digital cameras. And even if not, combine them with those taken with the popular compact digital cameras that use the microSD format cards...and, well... In terms of overall volume most smart phones are no bigger than yesteryear's flip phones...in spite of delivering an order of magnitude (at least) more functionality. [QUOTE]And there ARE beans in chili....I've seen them![/QUOTE] No you haven't. :p 25.) Swamp Fox - 12/12/2013
It may be that memory cards will soon be overwhelmingly micro, but somebody would have to edjumucate me that we're anywhere close to that point right now. If I were a designer, I would not force users to plug in an external adapter to read as common a thing as a full-sized card.
As I say, we can draw the line at Pong, etc. :wink And "Overall volume"? Overall volume???? You're killin' me! LOL 26.) DParker - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;13540]It may be that memory cards will soon be overwhelmingly micro, but somebody would have to edjumucate me that we're anywhere close to that point right now. If I were a designer, I would not force users to plug in an external adapter to read as common a thing as a full-sized card.[/quote]
You're forgetting something: The microSD card slots in phones aren't there for the purpose of reading cards from other devices, though you can use them for that. They're for the purpose of installing a card to expand your phone's (or tablet's) internal memory capacity (for apps and data). There are just too many other easy ways to transfer files of all kinds to/from these devices to bother with adding another card reader just for that function. Or maybe you should send your resume and design philosophy to Apple, Samsung, et al and see what happens. Maybe there's a career opportunity here. Big office, hot-and-cold running secretaries and a key to the executive washroom. We can say we knew you when. [Quote]As I say, we can draw the line at Pong, etc. :wink[/quote] You know, I don't have Pong app...but I'll bet there is one. [Quote]And "Overall volume"? Overall volume???? You're killin' me! LOL[/QUOTE] Well, yeah...that's how we measure how big stuff is here in 3-Dimensional Land. ;-) 27.) Swamp Fox - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=DParker;13541]There are just too many other easy ways to transfer files of all kinds to/from these devices to bother with adding another card reader just for that function.
[/QUOTE] No there aren't. :wink [QUOTE=DParker;13541] Well, yeah...that's how we measure how big stuff is here in 3-Dimensional Land. ;-)[/QUOTE] I just go with what seems "smaller" or "larger." :-) Three-D seems overkill. Two D's are fine with me. 28.) bluecat - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;13542]
Three-D seems overkill. Two D's are fine with me. [/QUOTE] Double D's are more than ample. 29.) luv2bowhunt - 12/12/2013
If the man doesn't have time to hang his cameras a few feet higher, what makes you think he will have the extra time required to purchase, and hook up a card reader to a smartphone he has no intention of buying?
Well played Chris, you made him elaborate over several posts on something we all knew deep down was going nowhere in that Tarheel brain of yours.:wink 30.) Ventilator - 12/12/2013
Luvvy knows~! 31.) DParker - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;13546]If the man doesn't have time to hang his cameras a few feet higher, what makes you think he will have the extra time required to purchase, and hook up a card reader to a smartphone he has no intention of buying?[/QUOTE]
Well, I wasn't trying to sell him on anything as I'm not in the smart phone accessory business. My interest was purely in clarifying the issue for general public consumption. 32.) Ventilator - 12/12/2013
And a fine job you did, as usua! :tu:
33.) luv2bowhunt - 12/12/2013
I think he was just stringing us along, just to make conversation.
....not that there's anything wrong with that. 34.) DParker - 12/12/2013
[QUOTE=luv2bowhunt;13553]I think he was just stringing us along, just to make conversation.
....not that there's anything wrong with that.[/QUOTE] He always says he's looking for a good argument. I was just being neighborly. 35.) DropzOfWild - 03/03/2015
![]() here's my new one |