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1.) crookedeye - 12/08/2013
whats a good method for redoing a cast iron pan ? burn it first are just grease it up with Crisco and put it in the oven? and how hot..
2.) billy b - 12/08/2013
I don't know but I need to know too.:tu:
3.) grandpawrichard - 12/08/2013
The best way I have ever found is to Clean the pan as best as possible, Build a big, rip roaring fire. Grease the pan up (inside and outside) with Crisco or better yet Lard and place it down in the coals of the fire. The fire and heat will burn the grease down into the Cast Iron pan and seal all of the pours beautifully!

Other than that you can just do the quick and simple Clean, Grease and Bake in the oven trick. Just make sure that you bring the temp up as high as you can so that the pan has a good chance to absorb in as much grease as possible to seal the pours of the cast iron.

4.) billy b - 12/08/2013
Thanks buddy, you hear that crookedeye??????
5.) Floyd - 12/09/2013
Make a video Rick
6.) luv2bowhunt - 12/09/2013
Floyd, you realize the pan has zero moving parts. Don't expect so much, lighten up.

Expect the least from the ones who least expect to have the most and you will mostly find the results are unexpected for most.
7.) Deerminator - 12/10/2013

here ya go
8.) Floyd - 12/10/2013
Gerry, you are wound way too tight. Everyone knows anything and everything Rick does is interesting. Much more interesting than you moaning about your clumsiness.

Rick, did you get'er done?
9.) Floyd - 12/10/2013
Gerry, you are wound way too tight. Everyone knows anything and everything Rick does is interesting. Much more interesting than you moaning about your clumsiness. :-)

Rick, did you get'er done?