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1.) bluecat - 11/19/2013
I need to know where to file this? Do I post this under some of the other scandal threads or just normal everyday deception by our administration?
Thanks, bluecat New evidence indicates that the 2010 Census employment survey, which led to an impressive upturn in unemployment just in time for the 2012 presidential election, may have been falsified. The unemployment rate reportedly fell from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September 2012 during the heat of the election cycle. The New York Post reported that the Census caught at least one employee fabricating evidence during the 2010 survey when he was not able to gather enough actual data, skewing the results and the general outlook on the country’s joblessness. Census employee Julius Buckmon was caught making up results when he didn’t reach the necessary 90% response quota in the New York and Philadelphia regions. Employees are required to reach nine out of 10 households for the results to be considered accurate. When not enough people participated in the survey by phone or in person, Buckmon simply filled out the Philadelphia surveys himself—giving those “people” jobs. Buckmon told the Post in an interview that his superiors told him to fabricate results to fill in the gaps. “It was a phone conversation — I forget the exact words — but it was, ‘Go ahead and fabricate it’ to make it what it was,” Buckmon said. He in turn completed three times as many “interviews” as other employees. “He’s not the only one,” said the anonymous source who tipped the Post. That source said he would be willing to talk with the Labor Department and Congress if asked. The Census only investigated a few out of a more than a dozen reported falsifications. It publicly disclosed nothing, nor did it inform the Department of Labor. “Yes, absolutely they should have told us,” said a Labor spokesman. “It would be normal procedure to notify us if there is a problem with data collection.” According to The Blaze, criticism of the Bureau’s unemployment figures garnered skepticism from the business community at the time. “Unbelievable jobs numbers. These Chicago guys will do anything…can’t debate so change numbers,” General Electric CEO Jack Welch tweeted in Oct. 5, 2012. Looks like it may have been laziness and pressure on the job —and not politics — that led to fudged Census figures. Sources: The New York Post, The Blaze [url]http://www.opposingviews.com/i/politics/2012-election-employment-boost-thanks-faked-census#[/url] 2.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
File it with the story, which will hit critical mass any day now, that while the administration was telling the tale that "only" five percent of the health insurance market will be affected by cancellations that the administration didn't bother to mention in its snow job to sell Obamacare, the Justice Department was/is making arguments in court saying that a majority of [B]group[/B] plans won't be grandfathered either.
People are going to wake up to that next year, and the group insurance market is a hell of a lot bigger than the 5% (millions of people) who make up the individual market. [I]Although President Barack Obama has been assuring people that it is only the 5 percent of Americans who buy health insurance on the individual market who are being forced to give up plans they like, a Justice Department court filing shows otherwise, National Review reports. "Even under the grandfathering provision, it is projected that . . . a majority of group health plans will have lost their grandfather status by the end of 2013," the filing reads. It is part of a lawsuit brought by Priests for Life, which seeks to avoid being forced to provide coverage that goes against its religious beliefs. The brief was filed Oct. 17, weeks before Obama made claims that only individual policies were affected.[/I] Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com [url]http://www.newsmax.com/US/individual-market-grandfathered-not/2013/11/18/id/537352#ixzz2l6ZDck7X[/url] [url]http://m.nationalreview.com/article/364176/obamas-5-percent-con-job-andrew-c-mccarthy/page/0/1[/url] Also, in other news, the Democrats have new evidence of the war on women....(Gotta love [I]USA Today[/I] feeling like it needs to post the highlights of its 200-word article in the margin for its busier readers...But I guess it makes the reporting look bigger... [url]http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/18/dallas-lion-killed/3629169/[/url] Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now! :bang: 3.) Floyd - 11/19/2013
File it under, "Why is this guy still in Officer? and other oddities"
4.) DParker - 11/19/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;12664]...the Justice Department was/is making arguments in court saying that a majority of [B]group[/B] plans won't be grandfathered either.[/QUOTE]
While that will come as a surprise and a shock to most, it shouldn't. It's precisely why the White House opted to defer implementation of that provision (which was supposed to begin Jan 1 of this year) until Jan. 2015...which just "coincidentally" is right [I]after[/I] the 2014 national mid-term election. 5.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
Right. There are actually several "surprises and shocks" in this whole mess.
One set involves the facts, another that the administration would lie about them, and a third must plainly indicate even to the likes of Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews that these geniuses aren't geniuses. I know I'm shocked... :bang: 6.) DParker - 11/19/2013
To hammer home that point, here's a web site put together by three 20 year-old programmers that replicates the plan-shopping function of HealthCare.gov (which is what is causing the most headaches), but actually works....and is easier to use than the former. It took them a few days and probably the cost of several six-packs of Red Bull though....
[url]http://www.thehealthsherpa.com/[/url] A story about it... [url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2497637/Three-20-year-old-programmers-build-working-Obamacare-website-just-days-government-do.html[/url] 7.) bluecat - 11/19/2013
Which of course answers the question, how many IT members does it take to screw in a lightbulb ..er.. build a reliable shopping cart website?
8.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
Well, I couldn't do it, but I hear that Red Bull stuff is pretty good.
Watch out for "enrollment" numbers that might include plans in shopping carts but not applied for, paid for, or approved (if you want to get technical). That will be the next "inexact" bit of information we'll be hearing, I expect. 9.) DParker - 11/19/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;12684]Well, I couldn't do it, but I hear that Red Bull stuff is pretty good.
Watch out for "enrollment" numbers that might include plans in shopping carts but not applied for, paid for, or approved (if you want to get technical). That will be the next "inexact" bit of information we'll be hearing, I expect.[/QUOTE] Or just take the real numbers and multiply by at least 1,000..... [url]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2509715/Obama-flubs-health-care-conference-community-organizers-More-100-million-Americans-successfully-enrolled.html[/url] Of course he's likely referring to all 57 states. 10.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
11.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
From DP's link: Excerpt too good not to paste---
[I]The Department of Health and Human Services announced on Nov. 13 that 106,185 Americans chose health insurance plans through public exchanges between Oct. 1 and Nov. 2, including the headache-plagued healthcare.gov and the more stable marketplace websites run independently by 14 states and the District of Columbia. But the Obama administration included in that number everyone who had identified a health care plan and placed it into a virtual online shopping cart. [COLOR="#FF0000"]HHS hasn't said how many of them have actually made a purchase.[/COLOR] [COLOR="#0000FF"]The president's claim that 'a million Americans ... have completed an application for themselves or their families' is also up for debate since that number refers to people who the government acknowledges 'have not yet selected a plan.[/COLOR]'[/I] +++++++++ [COLOR="#FF0000"]I heard someone say that Wikileaks and Ed Snowden are spilling government info left and right, and that the only thing in Washington that's still a secret is the real number of Obamacare exchange enrollees. [/COLOR] LOL [COLOR="#0000FF"]This information in blue indicates the hard part is over, as any insurance guy will tell you. As long as you can get someone to make an "application," you might as well go on vacation because there's nothing left to do to get them approved, get them to decide on a plan, and get them to stroke a check. [/COLOR] :re: 12.) bluecat - 11/19/2013
Post 34 I don't know if you are referring to this while you were away hanging stands, drinking Zima and generally just farting around. 13.) DParker - 11/19/2013
Given what we all know - from personal experience - about the ease of browsing a website, dropping stuff into an on-line virtual shopping cart but then never actually spending any money as a result, I'm going to guess that the number of people who have actually ponied up the cash for a policy via the exchanges is going to be [I]well[/I] south of six figures.
14.) DParker - 11/19/2013
Post 34 I don't know if you are referring to this while you were away hanging stands, drinking Zima and generally just farting around.[/QUOTE] Surely you meant to be more specific and direct him to my informative - and yet humorous - graph.... [url]http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/showthread.php?687-quot-No-one-is-more-upset-than-me-quot&p=12422&viewfull=1#post12422[/url] 15.) bluecat - 11/19/2013
If putting things in shopping carts for future drooling counts as buying stuff - Cabelas really loves me, I can tell you that.
16.) bluecat - 11/19/2013
Love the graph DP. No disrespect intended, okay maybe just a little.
17.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
It's all a blur...Especially after having been away for a while and trying to catch up... and getting ready to go away for a while again, and then I'll need to catch up again before going away for a while...
So it's a lot of stress on me... Sorry if I slighted anyone...You know y'all are my major source of news and information...:-) 18.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
[QUOTE=bluecat;12694]If putting things in shopping carts for future drooling counts as buying stuff - Cabelas really loves me, I can tell you that.[/QUOTE]
They have a dehydrator on sale right now...No, wait, that was Crookedye talking about dehydrating stuff... A blur, I tell ya... 19.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2013
I knew it was one of you Nebraska guys....
LOL :wink 20.) DParker - 11/19/2013
[QUOTE=bluecat;12695]Love the graph DP. No disrespect intended, okay maybe just a little.[/QUOTE]
I was really offended. Do you have any idea how many seconds I spent copy-and-pasting the link to that graph into my post? 4...maybe even 5. And I think I got a virtual paper cut doing it. 21.) DParker - 11/20/2013
But wait! Just when you thought you'd heard it all....
[URL="http://www.cnbc.com/id/101211556"]Obamacare bombshell: IT official says HealthCare.gov needs payment feature[/URL] But, no biggie. If there's one thing insurance companies are famous for it's not caring when they get paid...amiright? [URL="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/19/cory-gardner-obamacare_n_4304093.html?utm_hp_ref=politics"]GOP Rep Just Can't Believe How Much Obamacare Work Is Still Left To Be Done[/URL] [quote]CHAO: "There's the back office systems, the accounting systems, the payment systems. They still need to be built.[/quote] Laugh, else you will surely cry. 22.) Swamp Fox - 11/20/2013
Joanne Peters, a spokeswoman for CMS's parent, the Health and Human Services Department, said, "The parts of the marketplace that were essential for consumers to be able to apply for eligibility and select a plan were live on Oct. 1."
[COLOR="#FF0000"]This is quite the victory speech. They might have been live, but they weren't kicking. :re:[/COLOR] "The additional functionality that has not been launched has to do with pieces that are not needed until 2014," she added. [COLOR="#FF0000"] We needed all the glitchy stuff this year to build on, so I'm glad we've firmly established that foundation.[/COLOR] HealthCare.gov is comprised of "distinct pieces of functionality that, together, make up the full integrated system—plan management, eligibility and enrollment and financial management," Peters continued. "As we have said, CMS prioritized essential functionality to be live on Oct. 1 to ensure that consumers would be able to apply for eligibility and select a plan. [COLOR="#FF0000"][Epic fail][/COLOR] Other functionality will come online over time. This is a complex project with a short timeline [COLOR="#FF0000"][Huh---Who knew?][/COLOR]--and as such issues were prioritized to meet the Oct. 1 launch date. As part of this prioritization, back-end tools, including financial management, monthly enrollment reconciliation and risk adjustment, which are not consumer facing and not essential until 2014 will be rolled out in the coming months." [COLOR="#FF0000"][It's a good thing these people are so good with the "consumer-facing" functions, because once we start on the backroom stuff where it's just the bureaucrats, the CYA crowd and the vested interests involved, we wouldn't want to hear about any bad news.][/COLOR] 23.) DParker - 11/20/2013
Another anecdotal plea to emotion backfires...
[URL="http://news.yahoo.com/obamacare-%e2%80%98success-story--says-she-can-t-afford-new-health-plan-225839697.html"] Obamacare ‘success story’ says she can’t afford new health plan[/URL] 24.) bluecat - 11/20/2013
25.) DParker - 11/22/2013
Poor "Obamacare". How quick those who once took great pride in you are to abandon you now that you've become an embarrassment. Some going so far as to pretend that they never even used your name.
[video=youtube;kXRm0yVyn7k]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kXRm0yVyn7k[/video] 26.) Swamp Fox - 11/22/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;12466]
...Have you noticed that a few months ago, Obama was puffing out his chest, defiantly embracing the term "Obamacare"....and now he's back to calling it the Affordable Care Act...:re: Don't get me started on his "fix" to allow cancelled plans to be renewed/reissued... He's so full of shit his eyes are brown, as we used to say.[/QUOTE] :tu: Someone with some video editing skills noticed! Man, I wish I had some skills... :wink 27.) DParker - 11/22/2013
Nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills..
28.) Swamp Fox - 11/22/2013
Copy/paste skills...:wink
29.) Wild Bob - 11/22/2013
Too much red and yellow writing in this thread for me...:fire:
30.) bluecat - 11/22/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;12856]:tu:
Man, I wish I had some skills... :wink[/QUOTE] You got that whole 'fart lighting' thing working for you now after the medical clearance. The 'milk out the nose' laughter routine is always a hit at parties. What you talkin 'bout Willis? |