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1.) bluecat - 09/19/2013

In light of the recent shooting where Piers reported a non-existent AR-15 rifle as one of the guns used by the shooter.
2.) DParker - 09/19/2013
Are you doubting CNN's firearms expertise?

Aside from the tragedy of lost lives, the most interesting part of this event from a public coverage perspective was how the usual gang of gun-control idiots and their enablers in the "news" media were jumping all over the initial reports (even though those are almost ALWAYS wrong) about the shooter using an AR, shouting about how it was yet another example of why we need an AWB and expanded background checks. The latter claim was expecially bizarre considering that they were talking about a guy with a federal security clearance, no felony record and no adjudications of mental illness (in spite of what we now know were [I]multiple[/I] opportunities for both that nothing was done about) who could (and did) pass any firearms purchase background check, both existing and proposed. Then, within an hour of the FBI releasing a statement that the shooter had entered the building with only a legally-purchased, Elmer Fudd and Joe Biden-approved Remington 870 pump action shotgun and had apparently taken one or two pistols off guard(s) that he'd ambushed...and that there was no evidence of an AR-15 or any sort of rifle at all being involved in the shooting in any way...both the media and those doing all of the shouting about the weapon(s) used suddenly lost all interest in that part of the story. As though someone had just flipped a giant "OFF" switch, the subject just disappeared from the main pages of news websites, those of both news agencies and non-Drudge aggregators like Yahoo. Nothing but crickets, and you were hard-pressed to find ANY mention of the FBI's finding.

That is, until CBS and the New York Times...apparently desperate continue the narrative by finding SOME way to link the dreaded evil black rifle to yet another mass shooting...made the completely unsubstantiated claim that Alexis had tried to buy an AR-15 at the Virginia gun shop where he bought the 870, but some mythical VA law prevented him from doing so because of restrictions on sales of "assault rifles" to out-of-state residents. Of course, no such law exists (there is a federal law that places such a restriction on handgun sales, but that wouldn't apply..obviously). There are some additional ID requirements that VA places on sales of long guns to out-of-staters, but that applies to shotguns as well. This bogus claim was almost immediately exposed by a few outlets, but as far as I've seen neither CBS nor the NYT have corrected the claim.
3.) bluecat - 09/19/2013
And the fact that Piers was continuing to state it was an AR even after that fact had been cleared up.
4.) bluecat - 09/19/2013
[QUOTE=DParker;10834]That is, until CBS and the New York Times...apparently desperate continue the narrative by finding SOME way to link the dreaded evil black rifle to yet another mass shooting...made the completely unsubstantiated claim that Alexis had [B]tried to buy an AR-15[/B] at the Virginia gun shop where he bought the 870, but some mythical VA law prevented him from doing so because of restrictions on sales of "assault rifles" to out-of-state residents. [/QUOTE]

I [B]almost[/B] dated a Playboy bunny once. It was awesome.
5.) Floyd - 09/19/2013
Bluecat, did your FB post get yanked?