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1.) bluecat - 08/05/2013
Driving home on Friday I heard this on the news. I almost drove off the road. Unbelievable.
It's okay and apparently affordable for you but they don't like it and can't afford it. Yes, the same people who voted for it (for you). This abomination has been shoved down the throats of the American public and touted as the best thing since slice bread, but Congress wants no part of it so they hollered and their “king” responded by granting them their desire. The “serf” population of America will have to suffer through, getting by the best way they can, possible sustaining fines because of the plans being unaffordable. But, you can bet your bottom dollar, Congress, secure in its “noble” standing, will be spared any inconvenience or additional premium payments. The motto is, “what’s good for the goose, is not good for the gander as the gander is better than the goose.” [url]http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/08/white-house-approves-deal-congress-and-staff-exempt-from-obamacare/[/url] 2.) DParker - 08/05/2013
The best part is the Executive Branch effectively rewriting law that it has no authority to change. It has regulatory discretion over the implementation of some provisions via statutory language that conveys that authority (ie, "...as the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall see fit...", etc), but this provision was not one of them. It is law, period.
3.) Ventilator - 08/05/2013
you are right about them being exempt. But, how many people in congress do you think are without health insurance anyway? Id say very few. It wont make any difference unless one of them decides not to purchase health coverage in the first place.
OB is an idiot anyway, im still amazed at the fools in the north that voted for him. no one in the south did! except maybe a bunch of illegals or flyin asians! 4.) patdouglas22 - 08/05/2013
I hope that I'm not bordering a dangerous area in regards to starting any kind of an argument by making a generalized statement...
But, I don't recall anybody I know ever saying that they want the decision makers to be involved in more aspects of their lives.:td: The sad state of politics extends to both sides of the aisle in my opinion. My party is not exempt from blame. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm getting older or what, but it seems like now more than ever, the Media keeps the water so muddy that it's hard to see what your actually voting for. But anyway, nobody's mind is going to be changed on these things, especially with a post on a message board. The only thing that I hope to achieve by posting on this thread is that to say that I hear ya. It's a mess, bring your brooms. 5.) patdouglas22 - 08/05/2013
[QUOTE=Ventilator;9010]you are right about them being exempt. But, how many people in congress do you think are without health insurance anyway? Id say very few. It wont make any difference unless one of them decides not to purchase health coverage in the first place.
OB is an idiot anyway, im still amazed at the fools in the north that voted for him. no one in the south did! except maybe a bunch of illegals or flyin asians![/QUOTE] I do have a few friends that voted that way... they all couldn't wait for a political debate about how great he was in '08. Haven't hard a peep lately. 6.) DParker - 08/05/2013
[QUOTE=Ventilator;9010]you are right about them being exempt. But, how many people in congress do you think are without health insurance anyway? Id say very few. It wont make any difference unless one of them decides not to purchase health coverage in the first place.[/QUOTE]
The issue had nothing to do with impacting those who currently don't have health insurance. The impact was on members of Congress and their staffers who DO currently receive subsidized health insurance benefits...which is just about all of them. 7.) DParker - 08/05/2013
[QUOTE=patdouglas22;9011]But, I don't recall anybody I know ever saying that they want the decision makers to be involved in more aspects of their lives.:td:[/QUOTE]
8.) patdouglas22 - 08/05/2013
Haha... nice... do you have that copyrighted? I might have to borrow it. I'll give you a nickel every time I use it. 9.) bluecat - 08/05/2013
Good one Delta Paul.
10.) DParker - 08/05/2013
[QUOTE=patdouglas22;9017]Haha... nice... do you have that copyrighted? I might have to borrow it. I'll give you a nickel every time I use it.[/QUOTE]
Nah...I just stole it, fair and square. Feel free to send me your nickels anyway, if it will ease your conscience. :wink 11.) Swamp Fox - 08/05/2013
I. Regarding Obama's failure/disdain to do his constitutional duty, and preference to ignore the law and our system of co-equal branches of government in favor of his rule by decree:
[url]http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/careless-executive_741036.html[/url] II. A User's Guide To Committing Fraud On the Obamacare Exchanges---this is an eye-opener, and I suggest at least skimming it even if you are not into all the details, the math and the economics: [url]http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/dishonor-system_741026.html[/url] III. Overview of the individual mandate, if you're interested: [url]http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/soft-underbelly-obama-care_742475.html?page=1[/url] IV. And an extensive article that chronicles other egregious examples of Obama's tendency to govern from the "lawless bureaucracy", as in I. above: [url]https://www.nationalreview.com/nrd/articles/353797/front-man[/url] Hope y'all can see those. If not, look into the small cost of digital subscriptions. The info is worth it. Pass it on. 12.) bluecat - 08/05/2013
Can I pick up my free phone first?
13.) Swamp Fox - 08/05/2013
I'm sorry, we're full up on phony scandals today...Please try again tomorrow.