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1.) toxophilite - 05/21/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]151[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]152[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]153[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]154[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]155[/ATTACH]first pic shows weeds that have moved in next we mow then we spray,then comes the turning of the plot,(soil tests showed no extra fertlizer was needed)and the woodchuck was inspecting my work but he won't last long enough to do any crop damage
2.) toxophilite - 05/21/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]156[/ATTACH]here's the chuck that that has to go before seedlings appear
3.) bluecat - 05/22/2013
Just exactly how much wood could he chuck if he were allowed to chuck?
4.) toxophilite - 07/12/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]183[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]184[/ATTACH]both plots are showing promise :wink
5.) toxophilite - 07/19/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]185[/ATTACH]I have several pics of this buck but this is the latest,looks wide and the G2s may fork
6.) Swamp Fox - 07/19/2013
Looks good. I missed what you planted, though.
Poor woodchuck...Thought he'd finally found a good salad bar and a way to cut down on the carbs... 7.) patdouglas22 - 08/05/2013
Nice work Swampy. That's a good looking buck too. At the risk of sounding ignorant, what's the contraption that you're turning that over with? About to do fall food plots here and my buddy got a nice John Deere but he doesn't have any attachments yet other than brush hog and belly mower. He claims that he has access to discs but he is yet to produce them.
8.) Swamp Fox - 08/05/2013
That's Toxo in the photos....I'm just here for comic relief...
Plus I can check ID's and sometimes get some digits at the door... 9.) bluecat - 08/05/2013
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;9004]That's Toxo in the photos....I'm just here for comic relief...
Plus I can fake ID's and sometimes get my digits caught in the door...[/QUOTE] fixed it for you 10.) toxophilite - 08/09/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]196[/ATTACH]not sure what it's called, I actually found it in the woods, even had to cut down a tree that had grown through it before I could get it home on my ATV :laugh: and that was 10 years ago
11.) patdouglas22 - 08/12/2013
Nice whatever it is... it looks like bigfoot's rake. Works pretty good i imagine.
12.) XJCraver - 08/13/2013
That's a "cultivator".
Nice looking plots Tox. I only got one soybean plot out this year. 13.) toxophilite - 08/13/2013
it has done a great job for me, really stirs up the soil :tu: I only have 20 acres to work with but its mostly woods and surrounded by farm land, I have carved out 3 plots about 30yds by40yds two are planted with a mix of white clover from my local feed store and wildgame master plot, the third plot is biologic maximum and all are doing well. I even sent soil for testing to see what fertilizer was needed and unlike my friend a bit north of me(he spent over a grand on fertilizer)my soil needed no extra help :cool:
14.) toxophilite - 08/28/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]223[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]224[/ATTACH]this is my maximum plot, :re: I do have some other pics but now that the teams are picked i'll save them for my team mates for now :re: also if you look close at top center you can see my stand 33 yds from camera :grin:
15.) toxophilite - 09/08/2013
[ATTACH=CONFIG]237[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]236[/ATTACH]pics taken with cell phone at full zoom :tu:
16.) toxophilite - 05/19/2015
deerminator and i did some food plot work today, i turned over the plot for the second time yesterday and "D" and i spread the seed and raked them into the soil this morning. we got a good soaking rain in the afternoon so now we sit back and wait to see if it grows, put in brassicas, clover and beets. hope it goes well :pray:
17.) toxophilite - 05/19/2015
for some reason i'm still having trouble posting pic :bang: maybe "D" will have better luck :re:
18.) toxophilite - 05/24/2015
checked plot today, its been 5 days and already a lot of green sprouts coming up, looking good :tu:
19.) Wild Bob - 06/26/2015
How's those plots doing Toxo?
20.) toxophilite - 07/21/2015
food plots are really coming along nicely and i'm getting some great pics from my game cams, got several bucks that are showing real promise as well as half dozen smaller ones and of course plenty of doe, put up a new ladder stand for my niece to hunt this year, she's kinda new to the bowhunting community and i'm hopeing to help her get her first deer :pray:
21.) Wild Bob - 07/21/2015
Good lord...what ever you do, keep her away from this damned place! :-)
22.) toxophilite - 07/30/2015
too late for that she signed in as tuggertaz and got into the 2015 deer contest, so be nice :re:
23.) toxophilite - 07/30/2015
btw my plots are all doing well, i have three set up on a 20 acre piece of land my son owns, all wooded and surrounded by farm land, corn, wheat and soybeans, my plots are small, 20 to 30 yds across and 30 to 40 yds long, located near thick cover and seem to be a good place for the deer to visit before heading out to the big crop fields, there planted with clover and brassicas and get quite alot of action, i'd love to show you all some pics but still can't seem to post them, but i'll keep trying :bang::bang:
24.) Wild Bob - 07/30/2015
[QUOTE=toxophilite;33441]too late for that she signed in as tuggertaz and got into the 2015 deer contest, so be nice :re:[/QUOTE]
I don't think I'm one of concern for not being nice around here... I may cut up with a few of you guys on here...but it’s never in a malicious way. Glad to hear your plots are doing well! I’m sure that will pay off for you and your family this hunting season. :tu: Are you doing the photobucket thing? That is the only way I can post pics on here...it's kind of a pain, but it works for me. 25.) toxophilite - 08/02/2015
i've always just uploaded from my computer before but i'll see if i can figure out that photobucket, never used it but hopefully my granddaughter can teach me how it works :re:[ATTACH]524[/ATTACH]
26.) Swamp Fox - 08/02/2015
Photobucket's pretty clunky, so do not attempt at a time when you are short on patience. It seems like it used to be easier to use than it is now, but maybe there's a new step in there I'm just not used to, or it's my computer being slow.
I can get pics to load here direct from my computer but they all seem to come out as thumbnails now. I think it's an HC thing. Didn't used to be that way under the old versions of this site. 27.) billy b - 08/02/2015
I don't see much difference in photobucket, it still works good for me, maybe a little slower when downloading several pics at once.
28.) toxophilite - 08/23/2015
[ATTACH]525[/ATTACH]this is a nice 6 point i'd love to shoot to break the 6pt jinx, i hope the pic went thru :re:
29.) toxophilite - 08/23/2015
that's better than no pic when you click on the jpeg the pic comes up here is a more recent one of my big 6pt.[ATTACH]526[/ATTACH]
30.) Hunter - 08/23/2015
Your luck gotta change sometime with those 6 pts!
31.) Hunter - 08/23/2015
Here's a 6-point that has eluded us two years in a row! Looks like he has a little kicker this year.
32.) billy b - 08/23/2015
That camera takes great night pics.
33.) Hunter - 08/24/2015
Moultrie 880
34.) toxophilite - 08/25/2015
i have 5 game cams out and there all different makes and vary in age from 2 to 9 years old. i can say with out a doubt that the newer ones that take 8 AA batteries last alot longer than the ones that use C or D's :cool:
35.) Swamp Fox - 08/25/2015
I'm a Coppertop fan vs. any other kind of battery. Also, the Lithium batteries will extend your (battery) life.
Some 8-batery cams will run on 4, in case some people don't know that. The Bushnell Trophy cams whether branded by Cabelas or straight from Bushnell have incredible battery life and will run on four. 36.) Swamp Fox - 08/25/2015
I'm a Coppertop fan vs. any other kind of battery. Also, the Lithium batteries will extend your (battery) life.
Some 8-batery cams will run on 4, in case some people don't know that. The Bushnell Trophy cams whether branded by Cabelas or straight from Bushnell have incredible battery life and will run on four |