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1.) DParker - 07/07/2022
Only 82.

[URL="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Ffilm%2F2022%2Fjul%2F07%2Fthe-godfather-star-james-caan-dies-aged-82%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0TmXrV7WKu5f3Z9CO3GIX8CqZB8Y-rQR0KeZCuZGaGyuJk3fJFs7pF83w&h=AT2UDQ7Yq79s9zApzvwVYjyrvRkhPFGEgoP02ppHHXePEVpeb4sQEu1EfzkCAGK5sSAJuJok_feMHZEN9O7sMH3rm05-jEHfjSbofoEgUlak4sz5uoZ9YymYRfcFMAgG2iM"]The Guardian: The Godfather star James Caan dies aged 82[/URL]

One of my favorite lines:

[QUOTE]Hey, listen, I want somebody good - and I mean very good - to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, alright?[/QUOTE]
2.) Swamp Fox - 07/07/2022
Imagine if some group demanded that only a member of that group could play a character of that group ...

Oh, wait ....
3.) Swamp Fox - 07/07/2022
It would just make it difficult to find a nice gay Italian boy married to a black guy whose mother was still alive, and stuff like that ...
4.) Swamp Fox - 07/07/2022
That's all I'm sayin' ....
5.) Swamp Fox - 07/09/2022
Paulie Walnuts ... Also dead ... Just sayin' ....

6.) DParker - 07/09/2022
RIP Pauli.

"You’re not gonna believe this. The guy killed 16 Czechoslovakians. He was an interior decorator."

The best line from one of if not the best eposode.
7.) Swamp Fox - 07/10/2022
LOL ....

You gotta watch them guys ...
8.) Swamp Fox - 07/10/2022
This is like me trying to to talk to Verizon ... or Ebay ....
9.) Swamp Fox - 07/10/2022