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1.) Swamp Fox - 11/02/2017
So I'm sitting around an hour ago minding my own business when my phone boings at me and--having nothing better to do at that exact moment--I actually look at it. It's a notification that I have a new follower on Quora. Her name is Emily.

Now, I'm sure Emily is a perfectly nice girl, but I don't have an account at Quora, rarely read Quora, have never answered a question at Quora, didn't know Quora had a social component, and even if I had, I have no desire to gather followers or "build a community" (:re:) at Quora.

So I did a little work on Google (likely how I ended up in this mess in the first place) and come to find out Quora has a very sneaky habit of latching into your accounts and even changing their privacy policies without telling you (assuming you even knew they were all up in your business in the first place). I found where they had access to me through Gmail, which I very rarely use, but don't ask me how they got it. I certainly didn't give it to them.

As to how you can pick up a follower with an inactive account you never use and didn't even know you had, don't ask me.

But I'd say the machines are starting to take over, and it's very, very creepy.
2.) DParker - 11/02/2017
Pics of perfectly nice girl follower, or GTFO.
3.) Swamp Fox - 11/02/2017
I do my homework ...

4.) DParker - 11/02/2017
5.) Swamp Fox - 11/02/2017
LOL ...
6.) billy b - 11/03/2017
She must spend a little time on her knees.
7.) Swamp Fox - 11/03/2017
8.) billy b - 11/03/2017
Well look at her torn pants.
9.) DParker - 11/03/2017
I'm sure that's the result of long hours spent in contemplative prayer at the convent.
10.) Swamp Fox - 11/03/2017
I think somebody put something in Billy's ice tea ... :p
11.) Swamp Fox - 11/03/2017
So I spent a ridiculous amount of time tonight trying to sort out some email issues on my phone, possibly caused by my freak-out upon discovering that Quora breeched the barricades through Gmail.

While checking if Quora also had access through Yahoo Mail somehow, I came across a note in Settings that said I could be allowing apps with lower security thresholds through. Well, that's not good, so I changed settings to the most secure option, thereby screwing up the phone app I've been using to get all my email in one place, whether it's Gmail or Yahoo. (I haven't figured out how to get what I call web-based email in the same pot, though, so I still have to go to GoDaddy to access that. :bang:)

I tried to get Gmail to land on a Yahoo app, but if that's possible (I've been told it was) I couldn't figure out how to do it. Typical Yahoo Mail. :re: I can't even find their settings menus when I need them, 90% of the time. So I wound up landing my Yahoo mail on a Gmail app, which means that while trying to extricate myself from Google, I just got in deeper with them. And I don't even use Gmail much. :tap:

This is how the Mafia and crack dealers work, or so I'm told.
12.) Jon - 11/03/2017
All this on a flip phone with dial-up, you my friend are pure genius.
13.) Swamp Fox - 11/03/2017
I try to do the best I can with what I've got ...