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1.) Swamp Fox - 04/18/2017
This is the official thread, so anything goes:

random thoughts
buying tips
what to do with hunting partner eating magnum bag of Doritos
what do do with hunting partner reliving his breakfast burritos
2.) Swamp Fox - 04/18/2017

I've only had one Ameristep model, which I bought in '05 or thereabouts, maybe a little later. Can't recall the name, but I bought a few of them on-line when I discovered that the windows were perfect for bowhunting and the blind was light and plenty big.

I found they were really critical to break down properly. I don't recall set-up being that much of an issue, except that it wasn’t particularly easy, but I was constantly breaking supports at the hubs when striking the tent (I think you'd call the material they use (used?) "pot metal." LOL Whatever it is (was?) it wasn't fit for use.)

Replacement parts were outrageously expensive and got hard to find when the company went through some changes. I think I have one blind left that hasn't been stripped for use with guy lines instead of internal support, and the only reason is because I'm afraid to take that one out in the field and face complete and total failure of the whole experiment, LOL.

I do think I can find where I got replacement parts if anyone needs the info.

I'd like to know if current models are any better.


Since then, my go-to blind became a Primos model (now discontinued, naturally) which I like for its 360 window, roominess, and magnetic windows (Genius!). I also like the zippered roof opening. It helps with ventilation as well as providing a handy look-out point. They're lighter than my Dark Horse, but heavier than the Ameristep.

They hold up pretty well to the weather. They will fade significantly if left out even in a moderately sunny spot (I'm talking 6 months or so, and not necessarily through the brightest months) but that's sometimes an advantage depending on the pattern and the terrain, LOL. Unfortunately the fade is somewhere between brown wheat and pink flesh, so it won't work everywhere. :wink. It's not a problem in the real world, but if someone knows of a mid-priced blind that doesn't fade, I'd love to know about it.

[B]Double Bull by Primos[/B]

I don't own any, but I'm interested to hear if anyone has a model he likes. I haven't noticed one that gets my motor running. I looked at the Crush and maybe the one after that (on paper, and possibly in person) and didn't see what all the fuss was about.

3.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
The blind has to be lightweight. If it isn't it is a huge burden and will get left behind. The blind has to be easily setup in the dark. It has to have windows that are low enough to shoot out of while sitting. I'm not so concerned about windows that can be opened and closed silently as 9 times out of 10 you are setting up for a particular angle anyway. Shouldn't be any surprises.

You'd be surprised how many blinds don't meet these requirements.
4.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
I'll sometimes set up where birds could approach from any direction, so I like the same huntability all around the blind as I have in the front, including silence and shootability. That's one thing I could quibble with the Dark Horse about. Plus, even if I never need to shoot out of a closed window, I like to peek without making major moves from my chair.

I like to check if the windows are low enough to shoot from my knees, in case I have to get off my chair, which sometimes is necessary.

I don't understand the window layout on 99% of the blinds I see on the market. Who's designing these things? I went looking online at quite a few last night, and I had complaints about nearly all of them, LOL. The high-end Primos Double Bull (Deluxe?) came closest to meeting expectations, but it didn't blow me away....Possibly because if you have it on your mind, you're talking 27 pounds of extra ballast weighing on you. LOL. 27 pounds!---I guess ground blinds are going the same way as treestands..."Lightweight" will soon mean anything under 24 pounds, in marketing-speak.

That said, I insist on a big blind so I can move around, lay my gear out the way I want, hunt with a guest when necessary, and most importantly tuck back from the shooting window far enough to be in shadow without affecting my draw on the "back wall."

A few other requirements:

Magnetic windows
Removable mesh

Brush loops, top ventilation, and a well-designed blind bag are nice. I might even pass up a blind I otherwise liked if it didn't have a good bag. Can't always drive right up to your spot with your "lightweight" ground blind, LOL.
5.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
Magnetic windows
Removable mesh

Yes, to all those.

With regard to weight, I bought a steel chair from Cabelas the other day as my aluminum shot craps. Guess how much the chair weighs. 25 pounds. LOL! Back to my double bull fanny numbing seat that is light weight.
6.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
You'd be surprised how many blinds come with a bag that doesn't allow you to slip the blind in easily. You have to really force the blind in the bag. And most of the time this is happening while are trying to move to a new location quickly.
7.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
There's a fairly inexpensive carry system called the Blind Hog (by Crooked Horn, I think) that solves the bad bag problem, and carries one or two chairs, decoys, bow or gun and miscellaneous gear. I've haven't handled one, but it looks good. Price is somewhere between 50 and 60 bucks if I recall.

CE has the Wild Thing pack which probably blows everything else out of the water, but they stopped making it for some reason. I thought I didn't need it at the time, but I'm guessing there will come a day I'll regret that...LOL

I always carry one of several hunting seat pads to sit on my triangle seats. Don't leave home without it! Huge difference in comfort. My thickest is in this neighborhood, but even the one-inch old-style closed-cell pads help a lot (plus they get you up a little higher if you have a relatively low seat):

8.) DParker - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48350]There's a fairly inexpensive carry system called the Blind Hog...[/QUOTE]

Is this a good place for a joke about a girl I went out with once in high school?
9.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48350]


I bet they don't have two years of intense research and development into that cushion like Mike Lindell does.
10.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
It depends...All humor has some basis in truth and personal experience, but if it's the joke I'm thinking of, it's a little rude...LOL
11.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;48351]Is this a good place for a joke about a girl I went out with once in high school?[/QUOTE]

This reminds me of a joke about the similarities between a fat girl and a moped.
12.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;48351]Is this a good place for a joke about a girl I went out with once in high school?[/QUOTE]

It depends...All humor has some basis in truth and personal experience, but if it's the joke I'm thinking of, it's a little rude...LOL
13.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;48352]I bet they don't have two years of intense research and development into that cushion like Mike Lindell does.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=bluecat;48354]This reminds me of a joke about the similarities between a fat girl and a moped.[/QUOTE]

So, in one thread, in two posts, we've found a use for your My Pillow AND lined up tomorrow's Joke Of The Day...I'd say that's a lot of accomplished today, and we should all grab a beer to celebrate...
14.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;48351]Is this a good place for a joke about a girl I went out with once in high school?[/QUOTE]

Do you know of a better place?
15.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
I should say "another use" unless you've already shot it to oblivion with broadheads...
16.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48358]I should say "another use" unless you've already shot it to oblivion with broadheads...[/QUOTE]

Good call. Yes, they are perfect for Magnus Bullheads. And with the "buy one get 3 free" offer going on right now, how can you not get one?
17.) DParker - 04/19/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;48357]Do you know of a better place?[/QUOTE]

"In the booth, in the back, in the corner, in the dark."

18.) bluecat - 04/19/2017
I'll be wearing a purple tutu.
19.) crookedeye - 04/19/2017
i really like the wild thing pack..i take off the two side panels and use it like that , i can strap my bow, chair, decoys,calls,subway sandwich and a coke..you wouldnt think it would make it lighter with the two panels left off but it does..

i have the magnus chair one also which is pretty nice.
20.) crookedeye - 04/19/2017
also one of those bungee blinds pretty good for when youre on the move alot for bowhunting,just not as conceled as a hub blind..
21.) Swamp Fox - 04/19/2017
That Bungee Blind is somewhat interesting.

While looking into it, I came across this on a Pa. hunting forum...(I know: What are the chances?)

[QUOTE]...you would have to rig it so that it covers all 4 sides plus the top to be legal for turkey(see turkey section in book), [/QUOTE]

That seemed weird, so I dug up an old article in a Pa. newspaper:



First, to dispel a few persistent myths, there are no Pennsylvania regulations requiring blinds used by deer hunters to completely surround the hunter, or mandating the blind include a roof. In fact, Game Commission spokesman Jerry Feaser said there are very few rules regarding blinds and virtually none regarding archery hunters.


Exceptions include a stipulation during firearms deer, bear and elk seasons mandating that 100 square inches of blaze-orange material be displayed within 15 feet of the blind and visible 360 degrees. [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Turkey hunters can't use natural materials[/COLOR] to construct a blind, the blind must completely obscure view of the turkey hunter from all sides [COLOR="#FF0000"][I]and above[/I][/COLOR], and when fluorescent orange is required in the fall seasons at least 100 square inches must be placed within 15 feet of the blind and visible from all angles.[/B] For waterfowl hunters, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service bans the use of sink blinds.

Archers, however, can hide themselves however and wherever they see fit.



Bold and highlighting mine.

What's up with those Pennsylvania goobers?
22.) bluecat - 04/20/2017
[QUOTE=crookedeye;48362]i really like the wild thing pack..i take off the two side panels and use it like that , i can strap my bow, chair, decoys,calls,subway sandwich and a coke..you wouldnt think it would make it lighter with the two panels left off but it does..

i have the magnus chair one also which is pretty nice.[/QUOTE]

23.) Swamp Fox - 04/20/2017
Sling bags and chest packs are your friend, LOL.

So is an electric buggy. :shocked:

For true: I saw a thread somewhere a while back entitled something like "How Do You Get All Your Blind-Hunting Turkey Gear In the Woods?" and one of the replies was a photo of a massive DB blind (probably the 27-pounder, LOL) set up on a field edge with a Gator or some such parked beside it..

I about fell out of my chair laughing.
24.) bluecat - 04/20/2017
You can always cut a little weight and leave your bow at home...
25.) bluecat - 04/20/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48371]Sling bags and chest packs are your friend, LOL.

So is an electric buggy. :shocked:

For true: I saw a thread somewhere a while back entitled something like "How Do You Get All Your Blind-Hunting Turkey Gear In the Woods?" and one of the replies was a photo of a massive DB blind (probably the 27-pounder, LOL) set up on a field edge with a Gator or some such parked beside it..

I about fell out of my chair laughing.[/QUOTE]

I generally park [I]behind[/I] the blind but okay, to each their own.
26.) Swamp Fox - 04/20/2017
The problem with chest packs is that if you like to wear your binos on the hike in or out, or your chest pack while you hunt, you have to work around the two pieces of gear to make them compatible. (Binos under armpit, or chest pack mostly occupied by binos, etc.)

This is a great solution, I think, because you can wear a bino harness under or over, and a pack or blind bag (or treestand) over:

27.) bluecat - 04/20/2017
One zippered duffle for bow, one zippered duffle for seat and decoys, one blind and a backpack.

Binoculars are the last thing on my mind at this point. It all has to come off in the reverse order it went on. last in - first out.
28.) Swamp Fox - 04/20/2017
For some reason, when I think of hauling a lot of gear in the woods, I think of Benny Hill dressing and undressing in fast-motion...

Let me rephrase that: I think of fast-motion scenes from the Benny Hill *SHOW*...LOL

29.) bluecat - 04/20/2017
[QUOTE]Another highly controversial aspect of the tapes is the frequent appearance of the "Hill's Angels," a chorus line of scantily clad dancers whose alleged gyrations sparked a 1994 U.N. petition for full disclosure of the tapes.[/QUOTE]

I bet they really enjoyed those.
30.) DParker - 04/20/2017
Benny Hill...still funnier than 99% of what's on Comedy Central.
31.) Jon - 04/21/2017
Since you guys are actually discussing something hunting related for at least 60% of this thread, I'll chime in.
I wanted a medium size and weight hub style blind that didn't cost 2 arms and a foot, found the Ameristep Battlefield Kryptek camo. Once you figure out how to set it up (top first, then sides) it's very simple and takes about 40 seconds to setup. The windows are screen (velcro'd in) with blackout panels that are hanging down until you want to install them. Has plenty of room and allows a 360deg view.
Lightweight and has survived several seasons of use although the seams are the typical made in china crap that you can see daylight through.
Comes in a carrying bag with a long harness that you can throw across your back.

32.) Swamp Fox - 04/21/2017
Jon, do the blackout panels use a loop and barrel button attachment or have they changed their system, by any chance?

They're on sale ($30 off) at Cabelas right now...$99
33.) Jon - 04/21/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48395]Jon, do the blackout panels use a loop and barrel button attachment or have they changed their system, by any chance?

They're on sale ($30 off) at Cabelas right now...$99[/QUOTE]

Yup, same loop and barrel on mine anyway. I bought mine about 2.5years ago
34.) Bob Peck - 04/21/2017
12 years and still going strong. Cramped but workable with 2 hunters. Excellent solo hide.

 photo DoubleBullT2_1_zpstohr3mx2.jpg
35.) bluecat - 04/21/2017
[QUOTE=Bob Peck;48399]12 years and still going strong. Cramped but workable with 2 hunters. Excellent solo hide.

 photo DoubleBullT2_1_zpstohr3mx2.jpg[/QUOTE]

The Double Bull T2. Wish I could get another.
36.) bluecat - 04/21/2017
[QUOTE=Jon;48394]Since you guys are actually discussing something hunting related for at least 60% of this thread, I'll chime in.
I wanted a medium size and weight hub style blind that didn't cost 2 arms and a foot, found the Ameristep Battlefield Kryptek camo. Once you figure out how to set it up (top first, then sides) it's very simple and takes about 40 seconds to setup. The windows are screen (velcro'd in) with blackout panels that are hanging down until you want to install them. Has plenty of room and allows a 360deg view.
Lightweight and has survived several seasons of use although the seams are the typical made in china crap that you can see daylight through.
Comes in a carrying bag with a long harness that you can throw across your back.


That looks very similar to the blind I was talking about. You can see daylight where there are seams.
37.) Bob Peck - 04/21/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;48400]The Double Bull T2. Wish I could get another.[/QUOTE] I'll be sad when this craps out but honestly it's so well built it's not the frame that may cause problems it'll be the cotton shell which isn't the greatest material for a deluge but works fine in light and/or steady rain. I have a guy locally who designs and sews custom boat covers who said he could make another shell for me but he'd need to dissemble the original to make the pattern. Clearly I won't be doing that until the patient is on life support. The irregular shape is awesome with concealment. The cotton shell is quiet (no flapping nylon) and I'm thankful I bought a ton of replacement mesh. But then again, if you have one you know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm breaking this one out for the weekend because rain moves in tonite and doesn't stop until Mon. We may get 4+". Oh boy.
38.) Swamp Fox - 04/21/2017
I can't remember if Double Bull gave waterproofing maintenance instructions or not. I have a pre-Primos Dark Horse. When Primos got hold of them, I believe they changed the fabric, but I'm not sure if they changed the fabric *type*.

I'm guessing I'd use a silicon-based waterproofer on it and my Primos blinds (no cotton, but some type of blended nylon--?--) and a polyurethene on the more plastic-y Ameristeps. I think that's how the rules of thumb work, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. My understanding is that you don't want to mix waterproofing treatment types (incompatibility) so you have to pick right the first time.

I've got some stuff I use on tents that I've been pleased with. It comes in a "gear" version, a synthetics version and a natural fabrics version (as well as some others). I've bought it on line as well as at Home Depot, etc. I'd probably use the GEAR version on any fabric-y blinds when the time comes, though I don't know/remember the diff between it and the synthetics version for stuff like tents. I can dig up a bottle from the storage cave later and figure it out, maybe.

[Edit: Um...Duh...The website lists one of the Gear versions as "Tents and Gear" and if someone could read English he would have seen that the Synthetic version appears to be more for clothing items like your spandex leggings and $600 Arc'teryx rainjacket--No lie...I had my hands on one the other day...
So the Tents and Gear version it is.]


I've also used Atsko and ReviveX on various items. Haven't used NikWax in a long time, although I remember it as effective.

Thoughts? Useful information? Recommendations?
39.) Dan-o - 04/22/2017
Some friends of mine recently started a new ground blind company and I am in love with the blind so far. Packed with usable features and the materials used are incredible. Operation is simple. They set out to create the perfect hunting blind and I think they accomplished their goal.

The company is Xenek and they sell direct to consumer through their website, which is:


40.) Bob Peck - 04/22/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48403]I'm guessing I'd use a silicon-based waterproofer on it and my Primos blinds (no cotton, but some type of blended nylon--?--) and a polyurethene on the more plastic-y Ameristeps. [/QUOTE]

I put nothing on my T2 over the years. I didn't like the smell of the silicone spray waterproofing stuff even after it evaporates which isn't a problem with turkeys but is definitely a problem with deer. When the cotton fiber swells up it's more water "resistant" and when brushed in and clothed in Gore-Tex I can say I've never really gotten drenched or dealt with full on leaks.

I've found all of the other nylon types of blinds I've tested over the years need to be set up and left out for weeks prior to using them. Many reeked of adhesives, waterproofing and that swimming pool liner smell out of the box but after 3-4 weeks of the environment working on them the strong odor seemed to dissipate. I never treated them with anything either.

Generally speaking I'm not fond of the noise nylon makes when setting up or in windy conditions but they offer much better weather protection (wind, rain) than cotton. I rarely walk in and set one up anyway preferring instead an advance set up and brush in.
41.) crookedeye - 04/22/2017
i sat in my darkhorse in a thunderstrom last week, it sounded like the battle of the little bighorn was about to begin..i still can hear the deep drumming sound it made..
42.) Swamp Fox - 04/22/2017
[QUOTE=Bob Peck;48406]I put nothing on my T2 over the years. I didn't like...[/QUOTE]


Yes, you have to deal with airing things out whether freshly treated or new-out-of-the-box.. Silicon and polyurethene treatments both smell, plus silicon can be a little greasy sometimes and PU can degrade and be a mess with improper storage.

The Aqua Armor I linked above is basically odorless and goof-proof, which is why I've landed on it for most uses.
43.) Swamp Fox - 04/22/2017
[QUOTE=Dan-o;48404]Some friends of mine recently started a new ground blind company and I am in love with the blind so far. Packed with usable features and the materials used are incredible. Operation is simple. They set out to create the perfect hunting blind and I think they accomplished their goal.

The company is Xenek and they sell direct to consumer through their website, which is:



Thanks for the heads-up. I'm gonna try to find out what the floor size is. ODs at hubs are 5 inches shorter than my Primos blinds and 4 inches shorter than the Dark Horse by Primos (I don't know if that's different from DH by DB). 72x72 for those too lazy to surf to the website. I think that would be great for one hunter and a camera. (The camera tripod slots are genius! :clap:) I'd love to sit inside one to see if I'd like it for two hunters or one hunter with a cameraman.

I also like the pack/blind bag, especially the waist belt and the reinforced bottom. For $30, how can you go wrong?
44.) Dan-o - 04/22/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48411]Thanks for the heads-up. I'm gonna try to find out what the floor size is. ODs at hubs are 5 inches shorter than my Primos blinds and 4 inches shorter than the Dark Horse by Primos (I don't know if that's different from DH by DB). 72x72 for those too lazy to surf to the website. I think that would be great for one hunter and a camera. (The camera tripod slots are genius! :clap:) I'd love to sit inside one to see if I'd like it for two hunters or one hunter with a cameraman.

I also like the pack/bliind bag, especially the waist belt and the reinforced bottom. For $30, how can you go wrong?[/QUOTE]

I think that's currently free too with a blind when you buy it.
45.) Swamp Fox - 04/22/2017
That's what it said on the website this AM. I should have mentioned it.
46.) bluecat - 04/23/2017
Wow, that is a sweet blind.
47.) Jon - 04/24/2017
Smacked a turkey out of my el-cheapo blind this morning! 23Lbs, 10" beard and both spurs over 1"
48.) bluecat - 04/24/2017
Congrats Jon! Is there a story?
49.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
Beautiful bird, Jon! A beast!

What were you feeding him? --LOL

(serious question, btw)

I'd call that closer to a 10.5-inch beard (longest strand) if I were on the right mark at the other end of the tape measure. Don't cheat yourself! :applause:
50.) bluecat - 04/24/2017
Looks like a big jake...
51.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017

I have a fan in my freezer that when I shot him I could have sworn it was a full fan, but in at least one of the photos it looks like an uneven jake fan. I keep threatening to thaw it whenever I think of it so I can check it again, but it's fairly low on the list of projects around here.

Speaking of which, if I could get another Rio and an Osceola with a bow, I have an awesome idea for a four-fan display that I don't have wallspace for...LOL
52.) DParker - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;48443]Looks like a big jake...[/QUOTE]

"Not hardly."

53.) Dan-o - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48411]Thanks for the heads-up. I'm gonna try to find out what the floor size is. ODs at hubs are 5 inches shorter than my Primos blinds and 4 inches shorter than the Dark Horse by Primos (I don't know if that's different from DH by DB). 72x72 for those too lazy to surf to the website. I think that would be great for one hunter and a camera. (The camera tripod slots are genius! :clap:) I'd love to sit inside one to see if I'd like it for two hunters or one hunter with a cameraman.

I also like the pack/blind bag, especially the waist belt and the reinforced bottom. For $30, how can you go wrong?[/QUOTE]

Floor size 72 x 72 x 73" tall. It's huge.

Currently running a special of 50 bucks off and free mini mount and tree screw.

Here's one of my girls helping me set one up! :)


and here's my dad who hunted in my blind this morning while I'm stuck at work!

54.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
jon are you sure thats not a 10 1/8th inch beard..i would have stretched that beard out a little further..

nice going old man ...bow or shotgun?
55.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
I got a quick reply from Xenek to my inquiry this morning. Per Jake (one of the owners) the floor measurement is "about" 58 inches (x58)---as opposed to hub-to-hub, which is the 72-inch measurement.

Next time I have one of my blinds out, I'll try to remember to measure for comparison.
56.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017



57.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
plus jon has the smoothes hands i ever seen...
58.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
i bet they feel like a babys bottom...
59.) Jon - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;48434]Congrats Jon! Is there a story?[/QUOTE]

I've seen this guy for about a month, he started out very inconsistent in his timing but has been getting more and more dependable. I saw him last week on camera almost every day at 0800-0900 so I hunted him Saturday for a few hours. I setup in a generic spot where I can see allot of real estate. He snuck up from behind and gobbled once, sounded like a shock gobble because he sounded off right after a crow called. I never saw him until I got down to leave, he saw me and flew away.
As I was having my coffee Sunday morning, he came into my back yard from the side woods which allowed me to pinpoint where he was coming from. This gave me enough info to get a good spot to setup this morning.
As I was setting the decoys this am, I heard a few gobbles from the other direction, it confused me until I figured out they were Jakes. I was able to call them in with just a few clucks and purrs, they came right into my decoy spread and messed around for a few minutes before leaving. About 15 minutes later, I heard one gobble from the same location he was in on Saturday, I knew then that he was coming!
He popped out of the woods and into a lane I keep nicely cut (across the ditch from my food plot which was where I was sitting) at about 35 yards, I let him come in a bit and once he started strutting, I shot his face off.
When I took him to the check station, the guy there measured and weighed again for me, he measured the spurs at 1 1/8" and 1 and 1/4" which was a little bigger than I measured but either way...

I wasn't able to get on many last year so this is a thrill to take one on my own property. Especially thrilled because the ass hats that lease the farm next to me had surrounded my eastern flank with blinds and I didn't think I'd get a chance.
60.) Jon - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=crookedeye;48448]jon are you sure thats not a 10 1/8th inch beard..i would have stretched that beard out a little further..

nice going old man ...bow or shotgun?[/QUOTE]
Shotgun Rick
61.) bluecat - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;48446]"Not hardly."


I'm going with 5 points on this one.

"I thought you was dead."
62.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
Jon, are they roosting on you or on the neighbor with the border wall--LOL?
63.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
well nice going anyhow.. i had a few jakes last week lookin for the sound of my calls, one was coming in from the side of my blind..to me he seem like he seen my decoy set up and went back the other way he was about 40 yards ..hoipefully i'll get out this next weekend and leave my jake decoy at home..
64.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
i think a jake decoy would work better in a field ..i was hunting in the woods where maybe a hen decoy or none at all would work best..maybe make them look around a little bit harder..
65.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
who knows...
66.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
It's hard to know what a turkey is thinking...LOL
67.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
they have the brain the size of a pea..
68.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
they have woods smarts..
69.) crookedeye - 04/24/2017
its supposed to rain this weekend ..i might head out any how and hunt a fields edge all day..
70.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=crookedeye;48461]they have the brain the size of a pea..[/QUOTE]

And they still outsmart us!---:tap:

I think there's a fine line for decoys, even when the turkeys are in the mood for whatever you set out (pose, sex, strut, dominance..whatever). Around here, there are places where they usually won't come in unless they can see what they think they're hearing (and then you run the risk of them hanging up out of range), and other places and times when it's better to make them hunt for the source.

But I've had them come in on a string without a decoy in the first type of area, and met gobblers that wouldn't break strut or approach in the "show me the evidence" areas. Same conditions and time of season, as far as I can tell.

If I have a choice, I'd rather hunt an area with limited visibility than one where you and the gobbler can both see much ground. Otherwise, I think using dekes is a craps shoot. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't, with no rhyme nor reason that I can discern.

I'll bet guys who quit calling as soon as they know they got a gobbler's attention get a lot more birds in either situation, though.

I know...Easier said than done. :wink
71.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=crookedeye;48463]its supposed to rain this weekend ..i might head out any how and hunt a fields edge all day..[/QUOTE]

You should bring your Primos Wet Chicken On A Stick decoy with you, then.
72.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
Weekend at Bullz-I's...:p

73.) bluecat - 04/24/2017
It's 5am. Can't remember how I got to the party. Purse has nothing in it. Lipstick is smeared all over my face. Just need to sort some things out.
74.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
75.) Jon - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;48456]Jon, are they roosting on you or on the neighbor with the border wall--LOL?[/QUOTE]

Neither! The tom I shot roosts across the street in the woods. The jakes were roosted in my other border farm's woods. I haven't had any roosting on my property far as I can tell.

Normally, I can call until I hear a bird then I'll go quiet for a while to see if they are coming my way. If, after a period of about 15-20 minutes, I don't hear them I will softly call again to see if I can get a gobble. If I hear nothing, I just sit and wait.
Over calling gets the birds on alert and will make them very shy around here anyway.
76.) Swamp Fox - 04/24/2017
That's good news. At least you don't have to try to pull birds past a row of blinds. I was gonna say if you have the ability to put a chufa patch on the side farthest from the competition so you're not baiting for them, you might get some birds to bypass them. Possibly even to roost on you.

I've had people sit "on" property lines and take advantage of my hard work, but homey don't do that anymore.

**Do not plant Turkey Select Chufa until soil temperatures reach a constant 65° F. Wait as long as necessary for soil temperatures to reach a constant 65° F before planting.

77.) DParker - 04/24/2017
[QUOTE]Do not plant PowerPlant or Turkey Select Chufa in black areas[/QUOTE]

If that's not racist then I don't know what is.
78.) Swamp Fox - 04/25/2017
79.) bluecat - 04/25/2017
I agree with DP. Black areas matter.
80.) Swamp Fox - 05/03/2017
I put in a request with Ameristep to try to find some replacement pole and hub parts. Since I don't know the model I'm looking for, let's see how easy they make this. I think they're under new management or have changed some things around. At least you can find their phone number/website these days. There was a time that you couldn't.

I have a vague recollection that they wanted me to measure the pole length to determine the right parts last time.
81.) Swamp Fox - 05/16/2017
$70 off, plus the blind backpack included on the blind Dan-o introduced...Through Fathers' Day....

Don't say I never did anything for you....

82.) bluecat - 05/16/2017
That's reasonable. Thanks Swamp.
83.) bluecat - 05/17/2017
Looks like they are 25 pounds which is more than the Dark Horse.

You can pick up a Dark Horse for only 1,000 here

84.) Swamp Fox - 05/17/2017

I'm not in the market for any more blinds, but I'm keeping an eye on it. I'd like to see what they come up with for Gen 2. I also still haven't gotten around to measuring my own footprints for comparison. I did make a little progress toward organizing my Ameristep repair, though, so I haven't been a complete waste, LOL.
85.) Wild Bob - 05/26/2017
Random thought / observation: (in regards to ground blinds with shoot through windows)

This past fall, my youngest son and I were hunting some river bottom lands looking to fill his doe tag. This was during rifle season; he was shooting a .308 Win, and we were sitting in my Ameristep Brickhouse blind. He had several does come within range over the course of the afternoon, but each time, they were not in a good position or near the little shooting port holes. After several hours of this, with our frustration growing...he asks me if they come back, or another doe shows up, can he shoot through the screen window...

Well, I think it over a minute and I say to him, "Well, they're made to shoot through with bow, but let me kick that around a little more...just see what happens first."

After another 45 minutes or so, out comes a couple decent does, and they feed / mossy over within range. He is on them with the scope, and asking me, "Can I take the shot? Can I take the shot?"

In the heat of the moment, and against my better judgement, I say, "Yea, go ahead."

BOOM!!!!! The whole inside of the blind puffed up and instantaneously settled back down as the concussion occurred / expanded the air in there. I thought it felt like the hat on my head shifted a little too.

-It was without a doubt the loudest freaking report I have ever heard in my life!!! I look over at him, and he's looking at me with this pained expression on his face, as my ears were screaming and ringing, both of us momentarily deaf it seemed.

We laugh about it now, and we learned the hard way for sure...those screen windows; only shoot through them with broad-heads, not rifles! (By the way, it shredded the screen pretty badly too.)
86.) DParker - 05/26/2017
LOL! Did he at least bag the doe?
87.) Wild Bob - 05/26/2017
He did! His shot was a little off...and I couldn't figure out if was due to the screen or just his shooting.
88.) Swamp Fox - 05/26/2017
I distinctly remember when blinds with shoot-through mesh first came out that they were sold on the ability to shoot rifles through. I don't remember a little barrel port or any such. I am replaying a TV ad in my mind as I type.

I wonder if anyone [ahem!] could find a vintage ad on youtube in their spare time and back me up. I'm not going to bother; at least that's my present inclination. Of course, it could be that my memory is faulty. But I remember what I remember!