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1.) Swamp Fox - 03/02/2017

We've had some good threads on these topics in the past.

Add your own two cents here or bump up one of the old threads.

It's almost time for the turkey contest pre-thread...Or is it still too early? I think CE is still our earliest gobbler-getter, but if I start a thread now watch him not hunt until late April. :re::wink

Speaking of late turkey hunting, has anyone heard from Deerminator?
2.) bluecat - 03/02/2017
I bought some Magnus Bullheads this year and am hoping to at least have a chance to try one out. I'm going to cut the net out of my DB Apex blind so there won't be anything to disturb the flight.

I've typically posted a bunch of kill zones in the past but I'm starting to change my tune on turkeys. I've talked with some people who swear by just shooting them in the guts or above the thighs to stop them. If they can still run, they are gone.
3.) Swamp Fox - 03/02/2017
I think people make turkey shot placement more of a big deal than it needs to be. It's not rocket science, especially with a big blade. But if you're not aiming small, there are a whole lot of opportunities to lose one, even if it is hard hit.

Even a turkey that settles in to die can 1) go a long way between the shot and final resting place and 2) get up from what you think is his final resting place and disappear. I've watched it happen.

If I tried "stoppping shots" that wound up to be not absolute stopping shots around here I'd lose just about every bird I shot at. I'd much rather try to take head shots if I had an issue with finding the heart and lungs, than to take stopping shots and run the risk of not actually stopping the bird. For instance: a breast or gut shot; breaking one wing; breaking one leg---Gobbler gone.

Decapitation seems a much better goal to shoot for than guts or thighs.

There was a guy on one forum or another a few years ago who had a barbed or similarly goofy turkey broadhead that worked in conjunction with a game line (can't remember what those were called back in the day--Game Getter? IDNR) who got so much grief on-line I thought the poor bastard was actually going to have to perform seppuku for designing such a thing and actually telling anyone about it.
4.) DParker - 03/02/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;47431]I think people make turkey shot placement more of a big deal than it needs to be.[/QUOTE]

John Rambo agrees.

5.) Swamp Fox - 03/02/2017
Was it over when the Japanese bombed Saigon?
6.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2017


7.) Triton Rich - 03/03/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;47431]
There was a guy on one forum or another a few years ago who had a barbed or similarly goofy turkey broadhead that worked in conjunction with a game line...[/QUOTE]

[B]I don't remember what it was called either but it's on my list of dumbest bowhunting devices ever right next to the buckblaster broadheads![/B]
8.) bluecat - 03/03/2017
I'll keep you guys posted on anything that comes up. I plan on having them in my quiver. They do require a full length arrow to get the blades out in front of your hand and in some cases sight. You won't be able to shoot through mesh or anything like that so it will require the right conditions. But I'm so tired of doing all the work, putting in the time and then just a frustrating memory.

"Off with their heads."
9.) bluecat - 03/03/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;47432]John Rambo agrees.


That turkey got incinerated.
10.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;47440]That turkey got incinerated.[/QUOTE]

Clispy duc?
11.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2017
Oh, c'mon! :tap:

Too obscure? ---LOL

How about The Duck of Death?

12.) bluecat - 03/03/2017
Sorry, I don't order ornamental take-out.

+ 2 for Duck of Death though.
13.) bluecat - 03/03/2017
There's a lot of racking going on isn't there?

:02, 1:42
14.) DParker - 03/03/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;47445]+ 2 for Duck of Death though.[/QUOTE]

Yeah...one of Richard Harris' better roles. It almost makes up for his [I]MacArthur Park[/I] recording. Almost.
15.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;47445]Sorry, I don't order ornamental take-out.

+ 2 for Duck of Death though.[/QUOTE]

The conversion rate for Vietnam trivia on this site suck long time. "Clispy Duc" at least ten American dollar.

16.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2017
[QUOTE=bluecat;47446]There's a lot of racking going on isn't there?

:02, 1:42[/QUOTE]

Nothing says you're serious more than racking a round AFTER you're getting serious.

Well, except for racking a second time, just to prove the point.
17.) bluecat - 03/03/2017
You have three last chances...
18.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2017

"This here is the softest cushion on earth, and will blow a man's head clean off..."
19.) bluecat - 03/03/2017
LOL, "Have you got all the stuffing up one end?"
20.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
This video shows why you should either hunt turkeys with a bow, or film them, but probably not both at the same time...LOL

Also shows what may be the head I mentioned earlier, in action...or maybe not in action ...I remember a game string being involved (not here) but maybe that was just part of the discussion way back when, or maybe I'm thinking of a different broadhead altogether. I'll go through some ancient emails and see if I can figure it out.

Anyway, read the video description on youtube for the full story of this hunt.

21.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017

22.) DParker - 03/04/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;47458][/QUOTE]

What's the theory behind that blade design? I mean, besides giving the impression that it's what a Klingon would use?
23.) bluecat - 03/04/2017
Ha, that's why it was looking familiar. Good catch.
24.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
It's supposed to stay in the bird rather than pass through (more damage, hinders escape) and secondarily provide impact trauma.

The anecdotal evidence suggests that what it really does is get clogged and blocked by feathers and/or bone and doesn't penetrate worth a hoot. A fair number of stories about the arrow bouncing off or falling out.

Not to spoil the surprise, but watch the tail end of the video for clues if you haven't already...
25.) bluecat - 03/04/2017
Yeah, that broadhead cost him that bird.
26.) DParker - 03/04/2017
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;47466]It's supposed to stay in the bird rather than pass through (more damage, hinders escape) and secondarily provide impact trauma.[/quote]

It looks like all it hindered was that guy's prospects for a turkey dinner.

[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;47466]The anecdotal evidence suggests that what it really does is get clogged and blocked by feathers and/or bone and doesn't penetrate worth a hoot. A fair number of stories about the arrow bouncing off or falling out.[/quote]

Which is pretty much what I would have expected. In fact it looks like it's practically designed to fail.

[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;47466]Not to spoil the surprise, but watch the tail end of the video for clues if you haven't already...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my bad for not watching it before asking about the photo. I was just immediately taken aback by those blades because the first thing they made me think of was those stupid sci-fi/fantasy themed "knives".
27.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017

I went back through my old messages in the archives and figured out that the broadhead I originally mentioned in this thread was called the Turkey Tangler.

I couldn't find a picture online, but there is an old Archery Talk thread that might have one. The thread became a trainwreck, naturally. My laptop is a little slow tonight, so I'm not going to go through it. Feel free to dig through the sludge on your own.

It does appear that the head didn't go anywhere, and probably isn't being sold today, if it even made it to market in the first place.
28.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;47469]It looks like all it hindered was that guy's prospects for a turkey dinner.

Which is pretty much what I would have expected. In fact it looks like it's practically designed to fail.


That was my first thought when I first saw the thing a few years ago, and I haven't changed my mind.

But somehow it has remained for sale.
29.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
Here's the Tangler. I guess I forgot what it looked like. Other pics are out there with less effort than I expended.

Description from back in the day:

[QUOTE]A new turkey broadhead concept was introduced at the ATA Show this year called the Tangler by Talon Industries. This broadhead is actually an expandable broadhead and turkey retrieval system in one. The expandable broadhead (included) is attached to the arrow via a magnet that attaches to the insert. Once the broadhead opens up and penetrates through the entire bird, the broadhead falls off but it stays attached to the arrow via a tether that runs through the inside of the shaft and is attached to the nock.. The blades on the Tangler stay open acting as a hook. On the tail end of the arrow is a contraption called the tail biter that prevents the nock of the arrow from passing through the bird. When the broadhead breaks free on the front and the tail biter is hung up on the other side of the bird, the arrow can’t break free of the bird. With the opened broadhead acting like a hook, it can get caught in anything (brush, limbs, etc). The tether dangling behind the broadhead and attached to the arrow quickly gets tangled up in brush, causing the bird to stay in one spot and unable to get away. In 2007, the inventors of the Tangler never lost a single bird. With the Tangler Retrieval System, you are taking away a gobbler’s biggest defense after the shot - his ability to run and hide. With the Tangler, he will reportedly be hung up on something within a few dozen yards of where he was shot.


30.) DParker - 03/04/2017
I remember when I was a kid watching Batman in '68, he'd take one of those from his utility belt and he and his boy-toy Robin would use it to climb up the side of a building...'cuz elevators and stárs weren't invented until 1974.

31.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
LOL..That's probably where the idea came from...The Tangler does sound a lot like a Batman villian.

It's probably a good thing very few broadhead designers know about the Batpoon, though...

This reminds me: I haven't gotten anything good for my birthday in a while...
32.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
33.) DParker - 03/04/2017
The original Batpoon.

34.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2017
Howdy-Ho, readers!

Be sure to sign up for the turkey contest if this thread has inspired you!


35.) crookedeye - 03/04/2017
i like the wasp jackhammers 13/4 expandables, and the older version of batman..
36.) bluecat - 03/06/2017
[QUOTE=DParker;47478]The original Batpoon.


+5 LOL!