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1.) bow-fishhunter - 06/02/2016
What would you eat in the pic?
2.) Swamp Fox - 06/02/2016
I see ramps, and that broad, elephant-eared leaf is edible, I think, but I'm blanking on what it could be. I just have a vague recall of a mention of something like that in the back of my brain, from somewhere unknown. And is that mint that I see?

Any chocolate-covered ants in that picture? My zoom only goes up to 400...
3.) bow-fishhunter - 06/02/2016
I think you're right but I've never picked them. I always pick them and smell them to see what they remind me of and they don't smell like anything so I let them be. ramps is what I was going after. They are mixed in with the fiddleheads

4.) Swamp Fox - 06/02/2016
As far as I know, you should be able to smell the leaf (oniony/garlicky) but maybe that's only during prime time, the way you only smell onion grass during a short time in the spring---Or at least that's the only time I can think of smelling it.

Was there a onion-type bulb at the end of that stem? I can't tell from the picture. Maybe it was just some type of lily. We don't really have ramps here except in the mountains. I think I'm way too far east for them, but I used to come across them----and ramp pickers---while turkey hunting in western NC and Virginia.
5.) bow-fishhunter - 06/02/2016
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;41545]As far as I know, you should be able to smell the leaf (oniony/garlicky) but maybe that's only during prime time, the way you only smell onion grass during a short time in the spring---Or at least that's the only time I can think of smelling it.

Was there a onion-type bulb at the end of that stem? I can't tell from the picture. Maybe it was just some type of lily. We don't really have ramps here except in the mountains. I think I'm way too far east for them, but I used to come across them----and ramp pickers---while turkey hunting in western NC and Virginia.[/QUOTE]

on the ramp? yeah I was harvesting that one... on the elephant ear leaf no...
6.) bow-fishhunter - 06/02/2016
o yeah you can see fiddle heads on the right of the picture too...
7.) Swamp Fox - 06/03/2016
[QUOTE=bow-fishhunter;41547]on the ramp? yeah I was harvesting that one... on the elephant ear leaf no...[/QUOTE]

Okay, I misunderstood you. Does the leaf smell all the time, or just in the spring? I can smell onion grass from a distance for a short period, but I can always taste it. Are ramps the same way?

[QUOTE=bow-fishhunter;41548]o yeah you can see fiddle heads on the right of the picture too...[/QUOTE]

Now I see them. :tu:
8.) bow-fishhunter - 06/03/2016
I guess I've never tested it. now you got me curious...