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1.) Wild Bob - 09/16/2015
Now this is really important...

In case you haven't heard: Budweiser will release a Metallica Beer in Canada to commemorate the Band at its concert this week!

Quote for corporate at the King of Beers:

"Budweiser has partnered with legendary rock band Metallica to channel the brute force of this historic show and be inspired by its vibrations, its energy and its decibels to create a beer in the image of the power of rock."

Are we asleep at the wheel here or what!!! We need commentary on this story from our 'Political Correspondent' Bluecat, our very own 'Beer Critic' Crookedeye, and 'Consumer Advocate' Deerminator...

Where are they...perhaps out on assignment??
2.) bluecat - 09/16/2015

Sounds like a cool advertising move by Budweiser.
3.) Swamp Fox - 09/16/2015
Pshaw...Metallica needs to stick with whiskey, or lose all credibility...

Beer bands belong to Busch...and PBR if they were smart and could tell "new country" to eff-off... I have a Busch Beer poster (when Busch still came in bottles like real "beer" should) from the mid-70's with a Charlie Daniels Band endorsement/photo with autographs from everybody in the band. I stood outside of a small bar behind the theater until the wee hours of the morning until they let me in....So I was also lucky enough to catch the signature of one guy I'm sure was just a roadie, but who was quick with the pen....LOL

Metallica needs to partner with a whiskey company, and then I'll pay some attention...:wink...And a whiskey company with an "e"....And that's all I have to say about THAT! ....LOL

However, I would value the input from your panel of experts, LOL :grin:

...Bunch of lightweights...:wink

4.) DParker - 09/16/2015
When did Budweiser start making beer?
5.) Swamp Fox - 09/16/2015

6.) Swamp Fox - 09/16/2015
If you can't beat this, your beer ain't $#!+....

7.) bluecat - 09/17/2015
Another good German rant. Hilarious. Especially if you know Glocks.

8.) Swamp Fox - 09/17/2015
9.) Wild Bob - 09/17/2015
10.) Deerminator - 09/18/2015
CuR Ren Tly oB TaiNIng Data fOR [COLOR="#0000FF"]:buds:[/COLOR] rEseArCh.
11.) Wild Bob - 09/18/2015
:tu: :laugh: