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1.) Swamp Fox - 03/03/2015
I'm hoping that over the last few weeks most interested people have heard of this, but I'm not confident. Please forward info to your friends and frenemies, as the deadline for public comments is approaching (March 16). The two links below will provide good clear info even to folks who are not gun people, but who know a dangerous and unjustified powergrab by the regulatory state when they see one.
Video discussion discussing the background, origin and fix to the regulation, along with other interesting tidbits: [url]http://www.nranews.com/cam/video/cam-and-company-2015-bob-owens-proposed-ammo-ban-perverts-federal-gun-laws/list/cam-company[/url] One of the best articles I've seen regarding the whys and wherefores, plus the therefores: [url]http://www.forbes.com/sites/frankminiter/2015/02/24/why-is-the-atf-moving-to-ban-common-rifle-ammo/[/url] [I]Given that this seems to be a solution in search of a problem, it doesn’t seem conspiratorial to wonder if this is a political move orchestrated to make it more expensive to shoot AR-15s, which are traditionally chambered in .223. In its argument for this rule change, the ATF is clearly justifying expanding the ammo ban to traditional rifle calibers. ... In fact, while arguing that definitions of what bullets are banned shouldn’t be decided by the ammunition’s intended use, but instead should be solely determined at ATF’s discretion, the ATF says, “the intent of one group of potential consumers (criminals) is no more determinative than the intent of manufacturers.” The ATF’s lumping of law-abiding gun owners as a group of “potential consumers” with “criminals” rankled many in the gun-rights community. This and other language in the proposal is leading many to argue this is all about an end-run around Congress to implement gun control. Whatever the motivation for this change might be, as the ATF attempts to define its way to a larger regulatory role over a constitutional right, it’s clearly time for Congress to clarify its legislation or risk being left meaningless. (The ATF has opened a public-comment period until March 16. Email [email]APAComments@atf.gov[/email] to give your opinion.) [/I] [B]Email your comments to ATF by March 16 [email]--------APAComments@atf.gov[/email] [/B] 2.) Triton Rich - 03/03/2015
[B] What's going to happen when they realize that a broadhead tipped arrow would probably zip through a bullet proof vest like it was a sheer curtain....[/B]
3.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2015
The obvious solution (to the broadhead or the mighty .223) would be to build better vests, but that's not how things work anymore.
Where would the satisfaction be in letting solutions find problems that need solving, rather than inventing problems and then imposing regulation? Answer: Nowhere. There would be none. Control, on the other hand, is its own reward. 4.) Triton Rich - 03/04/2015
[B]There are some points brought up in the article that are tangential to some things that I have long considered. The media will have you believe that an AR15 is some super weapon. Do they realize that any modern deer rifle, of which there's gotta be a hundred million of in the public's hands, will much more easily kill somebody at longer ranges through thicker barriers even in the hands of a relative novice! [/B]
5.) Swamp Fox - 03/04/2015
Shhh, Rich.
Let's keep them focused on the shoulder thing that goes up for as long as we can. :re: 6.) Triton Rich - 03/04/2015
[B]I don't know what it is but we gotta ban it![/B]
7.) Wild Bob - 03/05/2015
Thanks for sharing SF.
8.) Swamp Fox - 03/10/2015
ATF shelves bullet ban proposal
[url]http://thehill.com/regulation/pending-regs/235216-atf-shelves-proposed-bullet-ban[/url] File in the [I]They're Not Dead Yet [/I]category: "It’s shameful that the gun lobby has, yet again, successfully worked to block an effort that would keep our communities safer from the threat of gun violence,” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.). ... “The question remains, ‘Why would a civilian need to walk the streets with a handgun chambered with military-grade, armor-piercing ammunition?’” asked Brady spokesman Jonathan Hutson. 9.) Triton Rich - 03/10/2015
[B]You beat me to it! I just read that a few minutes ago. It seems as though the people have spoken. It's good news but of course it's not over. It never is.....[/B]
10.) Swamp Fox - 03/11/2015
I don't remember if the plaque referenced liberty or king mackerel, but when I was a kid there was a sign on a Myrtle Beach fishing pier that echoed Thomas Jefferson (we presume), in spirit if not in proper spelling. I think it applies here:
[I]The Price of Liberty [/I] [I think it really said "King Mackerel," which would make more sense on a fishing pier] [I] is Eternal Viligance. [/I] I think I have a picture of it around here somewhere... |