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1.) Swamp Fox - 11/17/2014
Improve on this:
Shooting rail moves out of the way. ---I think... Not sure if it is adjustable. approx. 22 ft tall long platform I wonder if the seat folds up? [url]http://www.huntriversedge.com/foundations/store/shopdetail.asp?params=P2200*131&tab=desc2[/url] I'm looking for something for use by gun and bow hunters, both. Needs to be tall (over 20 ft. would be ideal) and no ultra-tiny platforms to shoot standing from! Have looked at Family Traditions, and while they look very nice they don't make them tall enough. This 20 ft. Muddy might be in the running: [url]http://www.gomuddy.com/store/mainprod-Ladder-Stands/433.html[/url] So might this 20 ft. Big Game: ---The link takes you to the Nexxus stand but it's supposed to go to the Legend------ [url]http://www.biggametreestands.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=7&flypage=flypage.tpl&manufacturer_id=1&page=shop.product_details&product_id=1507&Itemid=90[/url] 2.) bluecat - 11/17/2014
Twenty feet? Do bowhunters really shoot from that high? I'm not trying to start a controversy but wow. That is an acute angle.
3.) Swamp Fox - 11/17/2014
Twenty feet is just getting started around here, LOL...
4.) Pa bowhunter - 11/18/2014
I have some stands pushing 30'.
5.) bluecat - 11/18/2014
[QUOTE=Pa bowhunter;27184]I have some stands pushing 30'.[/QUOTE]
You are a better man than I. 6.) Deerslayer88 - 11/18/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;27182]Twenty feet? Do bowhunters really shoot from that high? I'm not trying to start a controversy but wow. That is an acute angle.[/QUOTE]
LOL yeah my highest is right at 35ft. They average around 28ft. 7.) Wild Bob - 11/18/2014
I own a couple Big Game ladder stands, not the Nexus such as you are looking at...but I like their products and have put them through a lot of abuse.
8.) Swamp Fox - 11/18/2014
It's the Legend (single) that I'd look at, not the Nexus (buddy stand), but the link takes you to the Nexus for some reason.
It's not often I can find a bow-stand site that would work at 20 feet here, much less with a big honkin' ladder. but I was thinking about donating one or two ladders to a club I belong to, since all of their stands are very bowhunter-unfriendly and this would give me a way of putting in my two cents while still providing stands that other members would use (No way they're climbing up in any lock-ons, LOL). 9.) luv2bowhunt - 11/18/2014
Looks comfy and I'll bet it weighs 98 lbs.:wink
10.) Swamp Fox - 11/18/2014
97, but who's counting :wink...I'd have one or two friends helping to raise that puppy. :wave:
11.) Swamp Fox - 11/18/2014
Although more likely it would be one friend, and the other would be standing around looking at other trees he thought were better, or he'd be at an emergency rabbit hunt or bass tournament.
12.) luv2bowhunt - 11/18/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;27200]...and the other would be standing around looking at other trees he thought were better, or he'd be at an emergency rabbit hunt or bass tournament.[/QUOTE]
Hey, you don't have to take Kenny along, get someone else. 13.) Swamp Fox - 11/18/2014