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1.) Swamp Fox - 11/06/2014
I just shaved the last one off the other day!

Lately my excuse for not shaving is that when I screw up at hunting or fishing---but especially hunting---I grow a rally beard until I can redeem myself. So, I grew one when I misunderestimated the yardage on a bow shot a few weeks ago, and shaved it off when I connected on a doe the other day.

Tonight I missed a nice buck with a rifle at 212 yards. The rifle shoots 3/4 inch groups with factory ammo on a regular basis, so I can't blame the gun. It's down to an awkward rest in this goofy box blind---whoever designed this thing should be shot himself--or maybe there's a nut loose behind the trigger. :wink

If you have any other ideas what might have gone wrong, let me know...:fire:
2.) bluecat - 11/06/2014
Shave "with" the grain.
3.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
Holy cow! Four days and only one vote...

This place really DOES suck as a hunting site AND for personal grooming tips!

The buck I missed---sad story, but fortunately short--is just about the only deer I've seen since...Very weird.
4.) bluecat - 11/10/2014
I think it's because most of the site members are on the Mathews site. :wink

I guess there is no disguising my vote huh? Sorry about your buck.
5.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
I think voting is anonymous...I take mystery voting seriously, the way they do in Kentucky...

I can't see who voted anyway. Maybe I'm not holding my mouth right. I have to say my poll skills are rusty...

(That's what she said!....:rimshot:)

Thanks for the condolences. I still can't believe I blew it like that. He was a good one! :bang:
6.) bluecat - 11/10/2014
If the forum wasn't so busy I'd ask you to embellish, but I understand we have to consider the bandwith.
7.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
I will when I get a second...My phone is ringing off the hook with people wanting to hear the story, so I'd better put it all in one place. :dig:

Speaking of which: By the way,[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#FF0000"] Bullz-i[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] ...You owe me a phone call. Don't make me come out there so you can crush me like a grape...I can shame you just fine from here, the way we used to do when you would say you were going to put something in the mail....:wink


Note the red bold highlighted nickname....Let's see if the big colorblind Norwegian nucklehead notices... :wink:shh:
8.) Deerminator - 11/10/2014
It's no shave November
9.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
Let's hope that remains a guy thing...



10.) bluecat - 11/10/2014
So how many years did it take you to grow the last one?
11.) bluecat - 11/10/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;26993]I think voting is anonymous...I take mystery voting seriously, the way they do in Kentucky...

I can't see who voted anyway. Maybe I'm not holding my mouth right. I have to say my poll skills are rusty...

(That's what she said!....:rimshot:)

Thanks for the condolences. I still can't believe I blew it like that. He was a good one! :bang:[/QUOTE]

Funny how those things can make your whole body go to gelatin. I'm still reliving one from about 3 years ago. I was shaking so bad my arrow was clacking on the rest.
12.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
I've been trying to grow sideburns since rockabilly came back in the late 70's, but no luck.

I get some scruff on my cheeks but I'll never be Santa Claus...Plus there's that whole restraining order thing and the buffer zone around the high schools and the lawyer says I have to use my real identity when anyone asks...It would be cool if I could ride around and call my van "my sled" though...

I could go for the goatee-only look but what's the fun in that...I mean, look at Luv2...
13.) bluecat - 11/10/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;27036]I've been trying to grow sideburns since rockabilly came back in the late 70's, but no luck.

I could go for the goatee-only look but what's the fun in that...I mean, look at Luv2...[/QUOTE]

Good point. Have you ever seen the pictures at the post office? They all look like Luv2 - the whole "professor" vs "maniacal human flesh eating introvert" look.
14.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;27034]Funny how those things can make your whole body go to gelatin. I'm still reliving one from about 3 years ago. I was shaking so bad my arrow was clacking on the rest.[/QUOTE]

Well, he was crossing a corner in the back of a soybean field and I didn't think he was gonna dawdle. I had to make sure he was good enough to shoot through a small viewing hole I made in the burlap cover, and he kept looking my way even though the wind was in my favor. He might not have liked the die-cut camo netting waving around, if that's what it was doing. I've since noticed that it has that tendency in a decent breeze.

I was behind the burlap, though, so I don't think there's any way he saw me up there.

Stuck the rifle though a 6x8-inch shooting hole I'd cut in the burlap and crawled the stock just to make my sight picture a challenge before I got into what I thought was the best shooting position I could, with the meat behind my elbow on what somebody should have built a foot higher for a shooting rail. Bottom line is I rushed the shot from an awkward position and missed him clean. I probably had more time than I gave myself, but it never feels that way in the moment, does it?

At the shot, the recoil, my low-leaning position that the stand required, and the small shooting hole prevented me from seeing him flee the field. I'll have to do something about that for next time.

He was a wide and tall 8, probably in the mid 130's. Good-to-very good for the area. When he first stepped out in the open I thought he was a big turkey from 200 yards away and with naked eye. Dark-haired swamp buck with a rack that glowed like a white gobbler head, LOL.

I believe I will be thinking about him for some time to come...
15.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;27040]Good point. Have you ever seen the pictures at the post office? They all look like Luv2 - the whole "professor" vs "maniacal human flesh eating introvert" look.[/QUOTE]

And do we have to even talk about Alex?

16.) Wild Bob - 11/10/2014
I don't know what it is about missing rifle shots this year...:groan:

I have talked to I don't know how many hunters that have experienced this same issue (including yours truly I'm sad to report). :cf:

Perhaps it is a beard thing...

Personally, if I could work from home, and didn't have to be so public; I'd grow mine and probably look like a certified hillbilly nut case.
17.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
[QUOTE=Wild Bob;27044]...Personally, if I could work from home, and didn't have to be so public; I'd grow mine and probably look like a certified hillbilly nut case.[/QUOTE]

I've got news for you...

18.) bluecat - 11/10/2014
:-) Pics of you out by your still please.
19.) Wild Bob - 11/10/2014
This is the best I can do short notice...it was after I burnt the still down! :-)


(Actually it was from a date with the Mrs. Wild Bob last week...)
20.) Swamp Fox - 11/10/2014
Nice pic, but I'm afraid those chickens on that spit are goners...