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1.) Swamp Fox - 10/23/2014

2.) Wild Bob - 10/23/2014
I hate to state the obvious...but plastering that all over FB is just asking for the circus to come to your own town. :td:

I know, I know...blah, blah, blah, blah...like it or not that's the times and world we live in.

We had our local LEPC meeting the other day (Local Emergency Planning Committee) the County Sheriff commented that he always knows when something gets leaked out of his office because the easiest way to find out about what the latest gossip in our community is is FB. The reality of our world is that news spreads quicker and reaches more people on social media than in any other way.
3.) bluecat - 10/23/2014
I have to agree with WB. Nice buck though. Pretty cool.
4.) Hunter - 10/23/2014
[QUOTE=Wild Bob;26825]I hate to state the obvious...but plastering that all over FB is just asking for the circus to come to your own town. :td:

I know, I know...blah, blah, blah, blah...like it or not that's the times and world we live in.

We had our local LEPC meeting the other day (Local Emergency Planning Committee) the County Sheriff commented that he always knows when something gets leaked out of his office because the easiest way to find out about what the latest gossip in our community is is FB. The reality of our world is that news spreads quicker and reaches more people on social media than in any other way.[/QUOTE]

You are right, Bob. Posting on Facebook was his only mistake
5.) Pa bowhunter - 10/23/2014
The only comments that bothered me where the ones from so called "hunters", when as a community we cant stand by our own when they make a legal ethical kill we mind as well be an advocate for PETA, just my two cent's.
Hope everybody is having a good season thus far..:wave::wave:
6.) Wild Bob - 10/24/2014
I hope my comments were not misconstrued; (not clear if the reference to comments was on here or on FB). I am very happy for the young man, and I congratulate him on the buck of a lifetime! I would most certainly defend his right to do what he did to anyone that criticized his actions directly to me.

The intention of my comment on here was to merely only point out that social media is a double edged sword, and that if we use it - the potential is there for opening ourselves up to criticism from society in general.

But in reality; criticism seems to be the default of society any more (in my opinion), so I guess all this should come as no surprise.

Absolutely, I agree with fighting PETA and all the other anti-groups - that is why I try to make sure my hard earned financial contributions go to the hunting advocacy groups that best confront the anti-groups head on.
7.) Swamp Fox - 10/24/2014
I meant comments sections in general. On the GrindTV site, the article has nearly 20,000 comments, including the expected ignorance from the usual suspects and a good bit of unexpected ignorance from some surprising places, as Pa bowhunter points out.

I always like to read what the mob is writing, just so I don't get complacent...LOL

I can't imagine what the Facebook page looks like. :re: (Although I've learned that some comments sections synch up with FB comments sometimes/somehow...It's all beyond me....So maybe GrindTV's comments have some overlap with FB.)

Do people put up FB posts in such a way that any Joe Schmoe can comment? I thought everybody used some kind of privacy setting these days? I never got the impression such a thing was a perfect solution, but who doesn't use something like that if they're a "private citizen"? That's not a rhetorical question. I'd lke to know how it works.

I think that even if the kid didn't put it up on FB etc.,-- if he talked to the paper/did an interview on TV etc.--some loons would start to stir the pot with anything they found and THEN it would blow up. It's almost to the point that unless you keep your mouth shut and completely zip your lip, the antis, the perpetually offended and the professionally outraged will find their own ways of dragging you down.
8.) Swamp Fox - 10/24/2014
I went back and re-read the GrindTV article. Not to beat a dead horse or detract from our points/questions about FB, but I noticed that THIS is what might have gotten the whole thing rolling:

[I]Sentiments being expressed on the WZZM 13 Facebook page , where the albino deer story has been shared more than 4,000 times, are somewhat mixed. (WZZM 13 is a Livingston Daily partner.)[/I]

Looks like the kid gave an interview to the local paper (pretty normal and innocent) and a sister news organization linked it to [B]their[/B] FB page...and all of a sudden the poor kid's in a ****storm.
9.) Wild Bob - 10/27/2014
So with all the talk about this and the 're-ocurring' mention of FB on here all the time, and the smattering opinions of FB on here...I got this little article from a on line trade news letter at work and thought this might be of interest to some (or may be not!) either way here it is:

Infographic: What happens to your brain when you use social media

In the past three years, our collective attention span has become shorter than that of a goldfish. What do you think: Is it time to cut back on social media?

By Kristin Piombino | Posted: August 22, 2014



In 2000, a person's average attention span was 12 seconds.

In 2013, that dwindled down to 8 seconds.

Here's the humbling part: The attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds.

With this (horrifying) statistic and others, an infographic from TollFreeForwarding.com explains how social media affects our brains. Here are a few insights:
• Tweeting for 10 minutes can raise your oxytocin level (the hormone that reduces anxiety) as much as 13 percent.
• A majority of 18-to-85-year-olds found social media is harder to resist than smoking, drinking, spending money, sleeping and sex.
• Facebook users are on the social network for an average of 81 hours per year.
• People switch between devices an average of 21 times per hour.

Take a look at the infographic and let us know: Do you think social media is good for the brain?
(View a larger image.)

10.) Wild Bob - 10/27/2014
So it doesn't appear that the whole thing copied very well...so if you are interested in the rest of the article here is a link:

11.) Pa bowhunter - 10/27/2014
Wild Bob, my comments where not directed at you, my comments where defining the internet hunter who seems to have some moral code that they think the world in general should live by, you know the ones who say I have been a hunter for 50 million years and I support hunting and the right to bear arm's "BUT".

As to the social media aspect you hit the nail on the head, unfortunately you don't have to post to social media to end up there, as so many web sites are linked to their social media sites and it gets picked up and shared from there, plus as swamp fox noted the local news outlets pick up on the local stories, so basically if you post a picture of your harvest on the internet somewhere or there is any news reference to it you could end up on a social media site.
12.) Wild Bob - 10/28/2014
Good points Pa Bowhunter; no one is free from ending up on FB. I know that I've participated in events and outings (hunting as well as other outdoor related) where a friend or other participant has put pictures on FB and then I've been 'tagged.' I guess it is what it is...

Good hunting
13.) Swamp Fox - 10/29/2014
I couldn't get through the whole thing. It was, like, four paragraphs long...:wink

Whoever comes up with a way to tag a digital image so it can't be reproduced more than X times will make a fortune. I'd also like to think that there would be a way to block info from search engines. I don't know if the on-line reputation-management services come close to doing what would be required, but I imagine it would be building blocks on top of something like that.
14.) Wild Bob - 10/29/2014
Hahahahaha! SF you funny! (What's your span down to... about 8 seconds? :-) )

There you go Swampy...I can see it now: 'SF Black Water Internet Security Inc.'

Your sales pitch could be: "In a hostile and ever changing Internet world, we keep you safe in the black!" Aggressive and thorough Internet Identity Security.