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1.) Wild Bob - 10/20/2014
Here are a few pictures from this past Sunday:

It was one of those beautiful autumn days that you never want to end!
2.) bluecat - 10/21/2014
Those pictures make me wish I was there.
3.) Deerminator - 10/21/2014
beautifull WB. There used to be lots of pheasents and grouse around here when I was a kid. very rare to even see any.

any fishh in that river?
4.) Wild Bob - 10/21/2014
Deerminator - Yes, there is fish in there...that is the Milk River, and it a warm water fishery with Catfish, Whitefish, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Paddlefish, Sauger, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye and Yellow Perch.
5.) Deerminator - 10/21/2014
6.) ARCHERXP - 10/25/2014
very nice