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1.) Swamp Fox - 09/19/2014
[url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?66-Swamp-Fox]Swamp Fox[/url] has reported a post.

Reason:[quote]Alex, I sent you a PM regarding this a couple of days ago. This is going to hurt the site.

I've tried to tell Kenny (assuming this is him) to give it up, but obviously he won't. I've tried to tell the others to ignore him, and that ain't gonna happen either.

People are staying away from the forum and even leaving it because of this conflict. See my PM if you have time. If you have any questions I'll be in and out.

Best regards.[/quote]
Post: [url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/showthread.php?1353&p=25565#post25565]Hi everyone[/url]
Forum: New Member Introductions
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: [url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?358-f-Kuflydnlv2]f@#Kuflydnlv2[/url]
Original Content: [quote]There are better sites out there than this one. Take heed.[/quote]