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1.) bow-fishhunter - 09/10/2014
I had everything planned and had told my wife I would not
be going to church with her on Sunday. My wife reminded me
that Sunday was the Sabbath Day and hunting a trophy buck
should not be part of the Sabbath. Regardless,

1. I scouted the area all summer.

2. I searched out the best location for my tree-stand.

3. I set it all up a month ahead of time.

4. I trailed the herd.

5. I picked out a trophy buck.

6. Two days before opening day I rechecked
every aspect of the hunt.

7. Everything was in place.

8. Sunday morning, I woke up at 2 am.

9. I put on my camo, loaded my pack,
set out for my stand.

10. This was destined to be an epic hunt.

11. As I approached my deer stand........

I called my wife and told her I had decided not to hunt
on the Sabbath and would meet her at church. The
Sunday sermon was entitled ..........................
"The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways".
2.) Swamp Fox - 09/10/2014

Posted three minutes ago...

If this were AT, someone would have already been on here pointing out that the bear isn't wearing a safety harness, and that the stand lacks background cover....

They're that quick over there.

3.) bluecat - 09/10/2014
Would you rather be in church thinking about hunting or hunting and thinking about God?
4.) bluecat - 09/10/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;24872]LOL...

Posted three minutes ago...

If this were AT, someone would have already been on here pointing out that the bear isn't wearing a safety harness, and that the stand lacks background cover....

They're that quick over there.


5.) Deerminator - 09/10/2014
Great pic.:tu:
Church it is!:pray:
6.) bluecat - 09/10/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;24872]LOL...

Posted three minutes ago...

If this were AT, someone would have already been on here pointing out that the bear isn't wearing a safety harness, and that the stand lacks background cover....

They're that quick over there.


And the PETA website would be quick to point out that bears shouldn't be confined to such tight spaces. Cruel and unusual.