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1.) Floyd - 09/10/2014
[url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?11-Floyd]Floyd[/url] has reported a post.

Reason:[quote]Kenny is clearly violating the rules.

Multiple accounts are not allowed! Especially when used to disruptive or to argue with other members.[/quote]
Post: [url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/showthread.php?1323&p=24819#post24819]Hey![/url]
Forum: New Member Introductions
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: [url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?355-ventilate]ventilate[/url]
Original Content: [quote]No disquise here . Just came in to say hello to Luv2 and floyod . I see they miss me.

after all, I could always sign in and post, just not visible. my invisible cloak has been lifted.

Dp, make sure they give us a proper score. Don't want u and deerslayer88 to feel slighted in the contest.

Luv2, no reason to think Im afraid to show who I am to you, sorry I was gone a few days.[/quote]
2.) luv2bowhunt - 09/10/2014
[url=http://forums.huntingcountry.com/forums/member.php?52-luv2bowhunt]luv2bowhunt[/url] has also reported this item.

Reason:[quote]I thought it was against the rules to have multiple personalities on here. This is offensive, irreprehensible, unconscionable, and just plain wrong.

Do your job man, clean house, kick ass, tow the line, pull that barge, lift that bale.[/quote]