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1.) Swamp Fox - 07/25/2014
Yesterday, I posted this on another thread, just musing:

[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;22388]

...Here's another [rhetorical question]: Do these people ever feel shame when confronted? As in "I should have done a better job on that" or "I should have been honest"?

Do Hillary or Barry or Rahm-- or his brother Zeke and the genius from MIT, Jon Gruber (chief architects of Obamcare)_--Do they ever say to themselves, ""You know, I really effed that up" or "I really don't feel good about lying"? Insert your blatant example from the other side of the aisle here _______ , if you have one...

What gets me is when I see obviously intelligent, well-educated people spreading manure that is blatantly false, either explicitly or by clear omission of relevant context. I wonder how they sleep at night. (Yes, I know...pharmaceutically...:shh:) But seriously: it must be soul-crushing.

I have a lot more respect for someone I vehemently disagree with if A) he is not an imbecile and B) he is intellectually honest.

Honest imbeciles are in a category unto themselves, and I'm not sure I've figured out what to do with them quite yet. Perhaps a combination of Christian charity and retreating to my man-cave for a few stiff drinks is the only answer.

So I say until shame makes a comeback and meritocracy returns, if they ever do, let the mockery and rhetorical questions continue...[/QUOTE]

Today we read a smidgeon of what I was talking about in relation to Jon Gruber and Obamacare. Feel free to turn this thread into anything you want regarding lying, hypocrisy or shaming, but since we don't have an Obamacare thread elsewhere on this forum, perhaps this will serve for that as well. Those who have group health insurance plans will be starting to smell the doo-doo soon, if they haven't figured it out by now. I believe the majority of insured Americans do not have a grasp on what's really coming, though, so I'm going to continue to harp on it.

So, a thread about lying liars, or just about Obamacare?...You decide...(The IRS has its own thread, so please file the proper forms with the proper office over there if you wish to discuss that travesty.)

Here's the info on Gruber and the Obamacare subsidies or lack thereof that you should know about. Only 14 states and the District of Columbia have O-care "state" exchanges. If your neighbor doesn't get a subsidy he was led to believe he would receive, guess who gets it in the butt? Everyone, including you. Somebody has to pay for all the free-lunch promises and the dismantling of the risk-evaluation and pricing system that insurance represents. The fact that Obama officials and co-conspirators can't tell the truth about how that's going to work or can't even get their stories straight (to be charitable) ought to scare the living crap out of you.

[I]Tonight, Reason’s Peter Suderman published an interesting revelation about the history of the decision reached this week by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, that Obamacare subsidies couldn’t be distributed unless it happened through a state exchange.

It turns out that one of the key minds behind Obamacare, MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, entirely agreed with Michael Cannon and Jonathan Adler, the scholars behind the legal theory that backed up the Halbig plaintiffs who triumphed this week. He’s on the record explaining that Obamacare subsidies are limited to state exchanges.

Suderman writes:

Jonathan Gruber, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist who helped design the Massachusetts health law that was the model for Obamacare, was a key influence on the creation of the law. He was widely quoted in the media. During the crafting of the law, the Obama administration brought him on for his expertise. He was paid almost $400,000 to consult with the administration on the law. And he has claimed to have written part of the legislation, the section dealing with small business tax credits.

After the law passed, in 2011 and throughout 2012, multiple states sought his expertise to help them understand their options regarding the choice to set up their own exchanges. During that period of time, in January of 2012, Gruber told an audience at Noblis, a technical management support organization, that tax credits—the subsidies available for health insurance—were only available in states that set up their own exchanges...

[Relevant quote and video here]

It’s kind of embarrassing, considering that Gruber told Mother Jones in 2013 that Adler and Cannon’s theory was nutty and stupid:...

[Relevant quote here]

It could be that he suffers from short-term memory loss. A few days ago, he was interviewed by Chris Matthews and he argued that the issue is simply a typo:

Let`s go to Jonathan. Jonathan, was this a typo, saying that only if you had a state exchange could you get a subsidy and therefore be required to participate, or was it some significant policy decision not to include states that didn`t have exchanges?...

[Relevant quote]

As I wrote a few months ago, this is also the same Gruber who said in January that Obamacare wasn’t designed to save money, even calling the idea that savings were a “misleading motivator” for Obamacare. This was after he very actively promoted the deficit-reducing side of the law before it was adopted and called Obamacare “a historic and cost-effective step in the right direction” toward saving our health-care cost problems. He’s also the guy whose work was used to create the appearance of a consensus among health economists about the ACA, without revealing that he was a paid contractor.

Suderman’s piece is here.



You really should go to the link and read not only the NR piece but Suderman's as well. The historical record of deception and shifting stories is blatant and outrageous. I was tempted to violate copyright just so it could be laid out for you easy peasy. But that would be cheating...
2.) Deerminator - 07/25/2014
[FONT=Times New Roman]First there must be a soul[/FONT]
3.) DParker - 07/25/2014
Straight from the horse's mouth (skip to the 31:25 mark)...

4.) DParker - 07/25/2014
[QUOTE=Deerminator;22440][FONT=Times New Roman]First there must be a soul[/FONT][/QUOTE]

Comin' right up...

5.) Deerminator - 07/25/2014
6.) Swamp Fox - 07/25/2014
[QUOTE=Deerminator;22440][FONT=Times New Roman]First there must be a soul[/FONT][/QUOTE]

Good point.

But they're smart, and some of them are experts.:re:

These people with their massive brains and the urge to use them on us are a menace.
7.) Deerminator - 07/25/2014
There should be a season on them.
8.) Swamp Fox - 07/25/2014
Come for the political commentary, stay for the cow jokes...

That's what we're all about here.

9.) Hunter - 07/25/2014
There's cow jokes on this site?
10.) Swamp Fox - 07/25/2014
Possibly gonna get their own section...Maybe replace Target Archery/Tournaments.:grin:
11.) Deerminator - 07/25/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;22457]Come for the political commentary, stay for the cow jokes...

That's what we're all about here.



12.) Swamp Fox - 07/25/2014

I'm still going through the Jeff Beck rockabilly vid, BTW...That was a great find.... :beer:...I'm just having to check in on it a few minutes at a time.
13.) Deerminator - 07/25/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;22467]:tu:

...That was a great find.... :beer:....[/QUOTE]

I knowa guy:-)
14.) Swamp Fox - 08/14/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;23339]On a lighter note, resident Obama can really cut a rug.


I'm sure he put in at least a couple of hours of effective governing. I heard they brought the Batphone with them so he could get any necessary work done while away from the White House...Because the Batphone would be what it takes with him.

I like when people say they don't begrudge someone a vacation. Be fair, they say. Well, vacations--particularly paid vacations--are rewards for a job well done. If you're not doing your job well, a "vacation " is merely an escape, an entitlement for mediocrity.

That said, I hope the President comes back refreshed from his escape. Maybe he'll grow a pair in the salt air. Maybe he'll just have more energy to assign blame and throw cheap shots, with maybe some sleight-of-hand thrown in for good measure.

I haven't heard whether he and Hillary got a chance to "hug it out" last night. God, I hope so. Wouldn't want either of them getting any pissier.
15.) bluecat - 08/14/2014
:-) :wave:

16.) bluecat - 08/14/2014
Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall when he gets updates on certain events?

"Resident, Ferguson is burning."

"They have law enforcement there don't they? Besides, Al Sharpton is there. "

"More wine?"
17.) Swamp Fox - 08/14/2014

I know, right?

There's also a mash-up of all the times he's said he "will not rest" ---"we're working around the clock" blah blah blah--until some situation or other is solved....Then that's the last you hear of it from them. I don't have time to look for it right now, but maybe some other concerned citizen can.

He plays fast and loose with the "will not rest" line almost as badly as he/they abuse(s) "let me be clear" ," the President's/administration's been clear" , as if just because they say they've been clear, whatever they're talking about is fact, and/or they're being forceful or taking action about it. Again, another good mash-up to look for.

Let me be clear: Insert expletive and personal attack of your choice here.

18.) bluecat - 08/14/2014

"Resident, the Iraq children are drinking their parent's blood for hydration".


"Sir, they are playing your song."
19.) bluecat - 08/14/2014
20.) bluecat - 08/21/2014

Before Returning to Golf Course, Obama Promises 'Relentless' Pursuit of Justice Against ISIS

21.) DParker - 08/21/2014
22.) bluecat - 08/21/2014
LOL! Hitting him where it hurts.
23.) Swamp Fox - 08/21/2014

24.) bluecat - 08/22/2014
Let me be clear, you stink.
25.) bluecat - 08/26/2014
26.) bluecat - 08/26/2014

27.) Swamp Fox - 08/26/2014
The Thinker...

Neurosurgeons haven't fully explained O's unusual anatomy, and at this point there appears no medical remedy, but we have positively identified where his brain resides. This is as close as we can get to an image showing the general region where his ideas come from, as photographers have been barred from the Presidential Commode. The President is not interested in photo ops, as he has made clear. There is still work to be done.

28.) bluecat - 09/24/2014

The Latte Salute
29.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014
I know a few of us are keeping track at home, but I thought I'd throw this up as a reminder, and the full article includes a decent if not exhaustive inventory of President Obama's affliction (as well as a welcome reminder about Hillary's similar allergy to the truth). I believe we can now add a few fibs about ISIS, the air campaign and "our" present objective in Iraq and Syria to Thiessen's mix, but we have a gracious plenty to work with already, so let's not get greedy.

Plus, I thought this ad in the middle of this particular article when I first opened it up on line was too ironic to go without comment. :wink

[I]...So why did Carney tell the American people there were “no specific, credible allegations” when he knew there were? And why did he say that the White House initiated its own investigation “out of due diligence” when he knew it was in response to evidence brought forward by the Secret Service?

Because there is a culture of deceit in the Obama White House — a serial willingness to say things that are untrue to protect the president.

Think about some of the falsehoods this White House has told the country:


The list goes on and on.

One falsehood can be a mistake. Two are troubling. But three, four, five or more in a row? That is a pattern of deceit. Or, in the immortal words of William Safire, a “blizzard of lies.”

30.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller criticized the White House late last week for refusing to release documents revealing how much President Barack Obama’s fundraising trips cost the taxpayer.

“Repeated requests are turned down for a breakdown of the costs and an explanation and specific examples of how the White House calculates how much is paid by taxpayers and how much must be reimbursed to the government by the Democratic National Committee or others,” Knoller wrote in an article.

Transparent much?

If that doesn't upset you might try the head of the CDC saying it would make the spread of Ebola worse if we stopped air travel from Liberia to US!

Let's all focus on the real issues that concern us - Global Warming.
31.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
Does anybody else see the resemblance of the 55-year old Ellen Degeneris to Lou Holtz?
32.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014
Face lift?

No, face plant...

(I'm copyrighting the term "reverse face lift" right now---You all are my witnesses....)


33.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;26554]Does anybody else see the resemblance of the 55-year old Ellen Degeneris to Lou Holtz?[/QUOTE]

34.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
35.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;26555]Face lift?

No, face plant...

(I'm copyrighting the term "reverse face lift" right now---You all are my witnesses....)



"Let me be clear..."
36.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014
"Degrade and destroy..."

37.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014
Since it took a bit of detective work to get a working link, as timeless as it is, here's the column on Hillary, for old time's sake, LOL:

38.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
We'll have to vote for her to see if she becomes a good president...
39.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014

One wonders if her air miles equal or exceed Obama's voting "present" as qualification to be President.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]For a bagful of giggles, look at the video at this link. I couldn't find a way to embed it..


And then there's all the hemming and hawing and gaseous clouds straight from the horse's mouth:

[B]State Department gets second chance to list Hillary Clinton accomplishments; it doesn't go well[/B]

[I]There it was. With plenty of time to prepare, the State Department came up with a number of mostly bureaucratic reorganizations as the legacy of Secretary Clinton's QDDR. Lee was not impressed. "Were there any of these that didn’t simply involve rearranging of the bureaucratic deck chairs or shuffling responsibilities between one bureau to another or creating a new level of bureaucracy?" he asked. "Were any of the accomplishments in — outside of that, those areas?"

"Absolutely, Matt," answered Psaki. "I would say the whole process, if it works well, as it did in 2010, or leading up to 2010, is to better determine priorities and how to make things work better in a large functioning bureaucracy."

After a bit of back-and-forth, Lee tried again: "I'm asking for actual demonstrable outcomes, not the creation of a new position or a new job." Lee wondered whether beyond turning this office into that bureau, or signaling that this or that issue would now be a priority for the Secretary of State — whether beyond that sort of organizational business the QDDR had actually done things. After an exchange about the accomplishments, or lack of accomplishments, of a Clinton-created entity known as the Energy and Resources Bureau, Lee and Psaki appeared to call it a draw, and the briefing ended.


40.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
"Well at least we're not in any insignificant wars."
41.) Swamp Fox - 10/14/2014
Jen Psaki at State Dept. would not say that Obama's ISIS strategy is flawed, but she won't say it's flawless, either...:re:

Can you imagine the titanic headache you'd get if you had Psaki, Obama, Kerry, Marie Harf (State Dept deputy spokesperson) Jay Carney and Baghdad Bob all in the same room together, 'splainin' things?
42.) bluecat - 10/14/2014
LOL! Beautiful.
43.) Swamp Fox - 10/16/2014
This is rich...

It begins at the tease I see on my Yahoo News front page:

[B][I]Obama annoyed with allies' Ebola response

The president says actions from several countries are hesitant, shortsighted, and put Americans at risk. [/I][/B]

Kettle, meet President Pot.

Apparently it's not just the President who is clueless, untethered to a sense of history and life on this planet, and lacking self-awareness. The Yahoo writer and un-named Obama supporters are just as delusional:

[I]There’s no clear consensus on why Obama — unpopular at home, nearly a lame duck — has struggled to galvanize the international response to Ebola. Some supporters note that he rallied a vigorous coalition against the IS, and others suggest that many countries just don’t feel the same urgency when it comes to Ebola.


Somebody ought to slip President Stompyfoot a note---perhaps written on a golf scorecard so he learns about it before it hits the news---that if you need something done, it's going to be the United States that does it. Waiting around for France and Italy to take action is the height of weakness and stupidity.

Oh, and then there's the whole community-organizing triumph that has proved the U.S. to be a poor ally and an untrustworthy partner in the first place lately. Not for the first time in history, it's true, but consistently in recent years.

44.) bluecat - 10/16/2014
Can we ship Alec Baldwin over to help with the Ebola crisis?
45.) Swamp Fox - 10/16/2014

I haven't heard from him lately, but I think he does owe us a trip overseas. Wasn't he supposed to leave the country if W got elected/reelected?

Could have been some other loon.

We should get the ones who said they'd leave if Bush was elected and the ones who said they'd leave if Obama were elected and put them all in the same room together. Whoever loses the ensuing brawl goes to Africa with some bags of rice and a Hazmat suit.
46.) bluecat - 11/13/2014
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” he told a 2013 conference that had remained secret until now. “Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

47.) bluecat - 11/17/2014

ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: At your Burma townhall a couple of days ago, you tried to inspire young leaders by saying, "governments need to be held accountable, need to be responsive to the people." I wonder how you square that with your former adviser, Jonathan Gruber claiming you were not transparent about the health law because in his words the American people, the voters are stupid. Did you mislead Americans about the taxes, about keeping your plan in order to get the bill passed?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: [B]No, I did not. I just heard about this.[/B] I get well-briefed before I come out here. The fact that some adviser who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run. We had a year-long debate, Ed. I mean, go back and look at your stories. The one thing we can't is that we did not have a lengthy debate about health care in the United States of America. Or that it was not adequately covered. I would just advise -- every press outlet here, go back and pull up every clip, every story, and I think it will -- it's fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent. Now, there were folks who disagreed with some of the various positions. It was a tough debate.

48.) bluecat - 11/17/2014
btw, Jonathon Gruber was paid handsomely for his work.
49.) Swamp Fox - 11/17/2014
Somewhere in the neighborhood of $6 million, all told, assuming we're too stupid to count the rest...I'm sure you can add speaking fees to that...Well, you could have until this came out...finally.

He's lucky he has Zeke to make him look like he's not the ultimate bonehead...but only by comparison.
50.) bluecat - 11/18/2014
I just heard that Gruber had visited the White House 21 times in the previous years.

Hardly someone you wouldn't know or notice...
51.) Swamp Fox - 11/18/2014
None of the Obamanos know him...Even though they were all quoting him and praising him for at least the last 8 years...It's probably enough to give him a complex and send him to the psychiatrist couch with an identity crisis.

President O referred to him as someone he stole great ideas from in a speech in 2006...Pelosi and Reid seemed like he was one of their best buds....The usual news outlets including the Washington Post and the New York Times will have to explain why they didn't explain he was working for the administration when they cited his support---as if he were an outside independent economist/health policy expert--for Obamacare concepts and precepts he'd developed himself.

As I've said before, there's a reason some people's eyes are brown...
52.) bluecat - 11/19/2014
Report: Al Sharpton owes $4.5 million in unpaid taxes


53.) Swamp Fox - 11/19/2014
This explains why he's working so hard ginning up his own publicity every time you turn around. I remember a couple of years ago, when his tax troubles first hit the news, Obama invited him to the White House to strategize how to sell "middle class tax cuts" which were to go hand-in-hand with a truckload of tax increases ranging from those they were proud of to those they didn't want people calling tax increases.

The Reverend Al Sharpton: Role Model.
54.) bluecat - 11/19/2014
These are exciting times indeed. Who needs cartoons when you can just open a newspaper.

Ferguson is next...
55.) Wild Bob - 11/19/2014
I heard on the radio this morning that the Governor appointed a 'Special Committee' to help Ferguson transition back into a happy, content community.:re:

More meetings, more input and more ideas will save the day... uh, yea...
56.) bluecat - 11/19/2014
[QUOTE=Wild Bob;27225]I heard on the radio this morning that the Governor appointed a 'Special Committee' to help Ferguson transition [B]back[/B] into a happy, content community.:re:

More meetings, more input and more ideas will save the day... uh, yea...[/QUOTE]

There's part of the problem right there. They were never content to begin with.
57.) bluecat - 11/20/2014
"I don't know who he is. He didn't help write our bill." Nancy Pelosi
58.) Swamp Fox - 11/20/2014
Maybe she meant she didn't know him [I]biblically[/I]. You know, as in "You have to know the man biblically before you can know what is in him."

[I]“I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those who seek insurance within the exchange,” Pelosi told reporters in 2009. “And our bill takes down those costs, even some now, and much less preventing the upward spiral.

Pelosi’s office has since attempted to spin out of the discrepancy.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]“She said she doesn’t ‘know who he is,’ not that she’s ‘never heard of him,’” Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill told The Washington Post Thursday.[/COLOR]”

Talk about stupid Americans!....:shocked: :bang:


59.) bluecat - 11/20/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;27230]Maybe she meant she didn't know him [I]biblically[/I]. You know, as in "You have to know the man biblically before you can know what is in him."

60.) bluecat - 12/05/2014
There has been so much material in the last two weeks one can become overwhelmed with where to start.

I'm afraid if I start, I'll spend all day posting.
61.) bluecat - 12/05/2014
This was the first thing I heard this morning.

Victims of the Fort Hood shooting will soon be eligible to receive the Purple Heart, [B]with Congress pushing ahead with a policy change that would officially recognize domestic terrorism as an issue, rather than the “workplace violence” designation the Obama administration had used[/B].

Read more: [url]http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/dec/3/fort-hood-shooting-victims-will-soon-be-eligible-t/#ixzz3L2bZYiAD[/url]
62.) Swamp Fox - 12/05/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;27544]There has been so much material in the last two weeks one can become overwhelmed with where to start.

I'm afraid if I start, I'll spend all day posting.[/QUOTE]

Sad but true...I bet Chuck Hagel's glad to be out of there, LOL.
63.) bluecat - 12/05/2014
Josh Earnest: Obama Didn't Mean It When He Said He "Changed The Law"


64.) bluecat - 12/05/2014

It's about 1 minute into the piece. :laugh:
65.) Swamp Fox - 12/05/2014
I think it's more likely that he didn't mean it when he said he believed he didn't have the authority countless times over the last several years. I believe he always thought that if he put enough lawyers in a room and locked the doors, they could come up with Shakespeare, as the old joke about chimpanzees goes. He was just biding his time for political advantage, and/or got to the point where he got worried about the heat from his fan club on the far left, and finally went ahead and did what he wanted to do all along.

The huge numbers eligible for a relaxation of deportation efforts aside (they're not deporting enough illegals to make a ripple in the ocean to begin with, so what's to relax?) it's very clear that residency documents and work permits are where he's REALLY stepping in it, and I think that was the bigger prize from O's perspective all along.

Of course, it's fruitless to discuss what Obama says and thinks when he has such loose relationship with the truth to begin with, and has his head so far up his ...um, golf cap---yeah, golf cap...on just about everything.

The fact that he ignored what should have been persuasive legal advice not to go where he went should come as no surprise, especially if one has been watching what he does with military and foreign policy advice. "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." Umm umm, yeah, Hmm hmmm ya.


66.) Swamp Fox - 12/05/2014
Oh, and one more thing :wink: How hard is it to say something you don't mean, when you've just spent weeks saying precisely what you (allegedly) mean?

Endless protestation "I am not changing the law..." becomes "I changed the law...Um, wait..."?

Yeah, right.
67.) bluecat - 12/05/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;27552] "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." Umm umm, yeah, Hmm hmmm ya.


+ 3 for the reference.
68.) Swamp Fox - 12/05/2014

I'm going to Graceland...

69.) Swamp Fox - 12/05/2014
Turn it up...LOL

70.) bluecat - 12/05/2014
Clinton says America should ‘empathize’ with its enemies


:dig: Now she's done.
71.) Swamp Fox - 12/05/2014
LOL...Let's hope Gruber's not right...:re:

On the other hand, she didn't get a lot of flak for this: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” ----so I don't expect the majority of voting Americans to hear about empathizing with the enemy.
72.) bluecat - 12/06/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;27593]LOL...Let's hope Gruber's not right...:re:

On the other hand, she didn't get a lot of flak for this: “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” ----so I don't expect the majority of voting Americans to hear about empathizing with the enemy.[/QUOTE]

I hadn't heard that one.:omg:
73.) Swamp Fox - 12/06/2014
[QUOTE=bluecat;27601]I hadn't heard that one...[/QUOTE]


Or cringe.

Or cringe and enjoy...

[I]The cluelessness about economics and job creation is bad enough, but the progression of her argument . . . Business and corporations don't create jobs? How do I know? Because trickle-down economics! It doesn't work!

It's almost as if she knows nothing about economics at all. Scratch that. It's almost as if she knows nothing about anything at all.

A major U.S. political party is apparently getting ready to nominate
this woman for the presidency. This woman is dumb as a doornail.


Full commentary and link to Hillary video here:

74.) bluecat - 12/09/2014
Live testimony

He's sorry so if you don't want to watch this just know that.

75.) Swamp Fox - 12/10/2014
That's gonna leave a mark...
76.) bluecat - 12/10/2014
He was very forthcoming with apologies. Then they asked him how much he made from his work. He was a deer in the headlights. Don't know if he answered that or not. They had to go to another question because he wasn't budging.
77.) Swamp Fox - 12/10/2014
I think he left it for them to get that info from his attorneys, as far as I could tell.

He clearly contradicted himself on several occasions and I'm not sure he got the screws put to him hard enough on those. He's clearly one of those people (Obama is the master) in the habit of acting as if there's no prior videotape showing exactly the opposite of what he is claiming now.

I also thought it was rich when he claimed he didn't remember saying the things he did. My follow-up question would have been, "Well, do you remember when you see yourself on TV or read about yourself in the paper because it's hard to believe you don't know you've been in the news lately. What goes though your enormous brain when you see yourself on tape?"

"Are you sorry because you said it or are you sorry because you meant it?" was possibly my favorite actual question. There's another good one but I'm blanking on it right now.
78.) bluecat - 12/10/2014
I wish I had an enormous brain. I would dominate HC.
79.) Swamp Fox - 12/10/2014
An enormous brain is not a requirement for that, you know...LOL
80.) bluecat - 12/10/2014
81.) bluecat - 12/10/2014
Low and slow.
82.) bluecat - 12/10/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;27726]An enormous brain is not a requirement for that, you know...LOL[/QUOTE]

I know but people aren't scared of my Rob Lowe skinny arms.
83.) Swamp Fox - 12/10/2014
"Well, here, let me keep going...Let me see if this helps you any..."

"Do you see a trend developing here, Professor Gruber?"


"I guess what you said was popular in that community..."


Thanks for that clip. Destined to become a classic.
84.) bluecat - 01/13/2015

85.) bluecat - 01/15/2015
The Department of Defense announced Wednesday that five Yemeni terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have been released. But despite concerns from lawmakers about the risks of sending anybody back to Yemen, four were released to Oman -- which is right next door.


Quit letting the bad people go. Thanks.
86.) Swamp Fox - 01/15/2015
Obama is in a hurry, as he says. Not to do the right things or to do things right, apparently. Just to do things.

Two more years is a sprint to check off the bucket list.

I think the jury is in and has been for a while. The events of the last year or so are just a big ol' LED scroll announcing the verdict in Times Square: Obama is fundamentally unserious about fighting terrorism whether it has raised its ugly head or is "just" planting seeds. Against all evidence, he believes that if we appear extricated from the fight, the other side will leave us alone. There are more important things to get done while he can still pull the levers. Throw stuff up against the wall and see what sticks, and let the next guy deal with the mess.

Seems to me more like a "Two More Years And Phuckit List."

And two more years feels like forever.
87.) bluecat - 01/15/2015
Well look at it this way. The terrorists now can go to community college free.
88.) Swamp Fox - 01/15/2015
LOL...Sure, sounds like a good idea.

I'd like a new car, too, while he's giving stuff away.

Did you hear him about the XL pipeline the last few weeks? It's almost as if he's a complete moron...:tap:
89.) bluecat - 01/15/2015
Missed that, what did he say?
90.) Swamp Fox - 01/15/2015
And that's not counting Nancy Pelosi on the gasoline tax. She says now's the time to raise it, while gas prices are low.

Hello? Earth to Nancy...The tax is per gallon, and is in no way pegged to the price. Besides, since when were the Dems the party looking for excuses to get in your pocket?

Oh, wait...
91.) Swamp Fox - 01/15/2015
[QUOTE=bluecat;28619]Missed that, what did he say?[/QUOTE]

Oh, anything he's said on it is complete imbecility. Most recently he said it's "Canadian crude coming across our land just to be refined and exported." That's not an exact quote but it's the gist. Completely ignores the facts that the crude is going to go somewhere no matter what we do (in ships if nothing else...Environmentalists love oil tankers, as we all know!); that we have refining advantages; that pipelines, refining and export are business as usual in the U.S., not some nefarious or inefficient conspiracy; and that the oil market is global, not local.

Greater world-wide supply good; supply inefficiencies and chokepoints bad. Write that on the board 100 times. But this is the guy who backed Cash for Clunkers, Solyndra and the Chevy Volt, to say nothing of his love affair with larger losing strategies, so he's already shown he should stick to teaching about the Constitution and leave business and economics to people who have at least run a lemonade stand.
92.) bluecat - 01/15/2015
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;28613]Obama is in a hurry, as he says. Not to do the right things or to do things right, apparently. Just to do things.

Two more years is a sprint to check off the bucket list.

I think the jury is in and has been for a while. The events of the last year or so are just a big ol' LED scroll announcing the verdict in Times Square: Obama is fundamentally unserious about fighting terrorism whether it has raised its ugly head or is "just" planting seeds. Against all evidence, he believes that if we appear extricated from the fight, the other side will leave us alone. There are more important things to get done while he can still pull the levers. Throw stuff up against the wall and see what sticks, and let the next guy deal with the mess.

Seems to me more like a "Two More Years And Phuckit List."

And two more years feels like forever.[/QUOTE]

Good summary.
93.) bluecat - 01/23/2015
Resident O came to Kansas yesterday and the injury count was staggering: Hip Flexor injuries from all the bowing, shoulder injuries from all the back slapping and prostrating and knee injuries from all the genuflecting. A good time was had by all.
94.) Swamp Fox - 01/23/2015

He should go into sports medicine if this leader of the free world thing doesn't work out.
95.) bluecat - 01/30/2015
You'll need a program to keep up with this one.

The White House has been backpeddling fast ever since they realized they traded 5 high-level terrorists for an army deserter (Bowe Bergdahl).

They first tried to discredit the commanders, Bowe's superiors and his comrades.

Yesterday they claimed that the 5 high-level terrorists were only Taliban and not terrorists.


The United States listed the Taliban as a Terrorist organization in 2003 I believe.

Today this news story.

Taliban says agent infiltrated Afghan's security forces for attack that killed 3 Americans


One thing is constant though, O will not acknowedge Muslim terrorists.

Now I'm hearing that one of the prisoners released is back to acts of terrorism.
96.) Swamp Fox - 01/30/2015
These people are incredible. It's embarrassing to watch them twist themselves into knots. It would actually be better if they just said, "Yeah, they're terrorists, but they're terrorists we can deal with" as we (mostly) bug out of Afghanistan (for now). At least then the phrase "silly gits" wouldn't be the first thing you think of.

[I]President Barack Obama had announced in May that U.S. troop levels would be cut to 9,800 by the end of the year [2014], [B]by half again in 2015 and to a normal embassy presence with a security assistance office in Kabul by the end of 2016.

...While Afghanistan's military and police remain in control of all 34 provincial capitals, violence has risen in the last year and the rate of casualties suffered by local security forces has been described by the U.S. military as unsustainable.

Around 4,600 members of the Afghan security forces have been killed already in 2014, more than six percent higher than the same period of 2013.

The Taliban, ousted in 2001, has become increasingly bold in its attacks and controls several districts across a country where access to many areas is still limited by rugged terrain and poor security.

Despite more than $4 billion in aid to Afghan forces this year, police and soldiers frequently complain that they lack proper resources to fight the Taliban alone.

[/I][Emphasis mine]


With the possible exception of Joe Isuzu, I believe this crew is the least capable of being straightforward I could ever imagine. I have considered drug addicts and the Clintons, so that's saying something.

There will be shelves of books written in the future analyzing why 0 and his gang have such an aversion to the truth, in all areas. It'll be a new niche area of publishing, like cookbooks.
97.) bluecat - 01/30/2015
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;29119]

With the possible exception of Joe Isuzu, I believe this crew is the least capable of being straightforward I could ever imagine. I have considered drug addicts and the Clintons, so that's saying something.

There will be shelves of books written in the future analyzing why 0 and his gang have such an aversion to the truth, in all areas. It'll be a new niche area of publishing, like cookbooks.[/QUOTE]

98.) bluecat - 02/17/2015
Obama Warns Against ‘High Horse’ on Religious Extremism: ‘Terrible Deeds Done in Name of Christ’

I thought about putting this in the horse thread...

99.) Swamp Fox - 02/17/2015
That's so two weeks ago. :re: :wink

He's on to some new idiocy now, I'm sure, but I haven't checked the news today yet.

Last week it was that climate change is a greater threat than terrorism:


Par for the course from someone who scolds modern Americans for their revulsion at 21st century Islamic extremism because he sees some sort of equivalence to what he thinks were the horrors of hundreds of--even a thousand--years ago.

Here's a hint, Professor: read a book. It might help when you mean to reference something in history, and to do it honestly. The Crusades weren't what the Islamist propagandists would have you believe, sir; radical Islamists murder more people in four months than any Inquisition ever executed in 400 years; and-- um--fire-breathing Christians were at the forefront of the abolition and civil rights movements.

And that's about all I have to say (that's printable) about that. :re:


It's to the point that it's gotten hard to keep up with the imbecility.

Disturbing fact: If you type "Obama Spanish Inquisition" into Yahoo Search too fast and/or Internet Explorer doesn't keep up with your typing/spacing/punctuation, the search result is "Obama Care Plan Health Insurance." I shit you not.

I invite you to play along at home.
100.) Swamp Fox - 02/18/2015
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;29858]..He's on to some new idiocy now, I'm sure, but I haven't checked the news today yet.
It's to the point that it's gotten hard to keep up with the imbecility.


Well, that didn't take long. Flipped on the news, and knew within ten minutes what this week's top Obama embarrassment is: Our old friend, Marie Harf at the State Department. If she keeps this up, she could almost make the rest of these clowns look like slackers in buffoonery.

[I][B]”But we cannot win this war [with ISIS and “violent extremists”] by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war," she continued. "We need in the medium- and longer-term to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups, whether it's lack of opportunity for jobs [/B]--"

Matthews stepped in to challenge Harf on that point.

"We're not going to be able to stop that in our lifetime, or 50 lifetimes," he said. "There's always gonna be poor people, there's always gonna be poor Muslims. As long as there are poor Muslims, the trumpet's blowing, they'll join. We can't stop that, can we?"

Harf responded that the U.S. government can work with terror-stricken countries to improve their systems of government and boost their economies to produce more job opportunities.

"You're right, there's no easy solution in the long term to preventing and combating violent extremism," she said. [B] "But if we can help countries work at the root causes of this -- what makes these 17-year-old kids pick up an AK-47, instead of trying to start a business? Maybe we can try to chip away at this problem [/B], while at the same going after the threat, taking on ISIL in Iraq, in Syria, and helping our partners around the world."

Matthews scoffed at Harf's proposal, comparing it to political platitudes about eliminating juvenile delinquency at home in the U.S.

"The American people I think are getting humiliated morally by this," Matthews said. "We are seeing these pictures. What are you supposed to say, 'Think about something else?'"


Emphasis mine.

101.) Swamp Fox - 02/18/2015
I was thinking that Pres. 0 implying that the killing of three Muslims in NC was religiously motivated (when that is far from clear) while his press secretary went out of his way to avoid identifying 21 murdered Egyptian "citizens" as Christians when ISIS makes no bones that they were killed [I]because[/I] they were Christians was the disgrace of the week, but I was wrong. Ms. Harf takes the cake.

I'm all for comprehensive strategies to bring these lunatics out of the seventh century, but if you think free community college, an affirmative action program so they can get a McDonalds franchise, and some U.S. taxpayer money to start a wind farm looks better to these animals than ideological domination, martyrdom and 72 virgins in the afterlife, you're off your rocker.

Especially if your war strategy to date---yes, the killing part--- is the military equivalent of tiddlywinks.

The one bright spot is that Obama’s conference on “violent extremism” opens tomorrow. Should be some good stuff.



I thought the following material at the link below was brilliant. I’d reprint it all if I had the patience. A few select nuggets:

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR="#FF0000"]General Marie Harf Through History[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

BY: Sonny Bunch

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf suggested that “we cannot kill our way to victory” against ISIS on MSNBC last night. This flies in the face of literally the entirety of human history, through which, time and again, we have seen people killing other people lead to victory in armed combat.

But her dorm-room philosophizing did get me thinking. What if Marie Harf had access to a time machine? How would she have solved the world’s military conflicts?

[SIZE=3][B]Marie Harf at Thermopylae[/B][/SIZE]

“This is where we hold them! This is where we discover the root causes for their anger at the western world! This is where we alleviate their poverty and increase their standard of living, thus reducing their desire to wage jihad!”

[B][SIZE=3]Marie Harf’s draft of the letter Julius Ceasar delivered to the Roman Senate [/SIZE][/B]

“I came, I saw, I provided significant social welfare benefits and jobs for the Gauls.”

[B][SIZE=3]Marie Harf Tells Churchill how to rally the British people[/SIZE][/B]

"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall give the Germans vacations on our beaches, we shall give them jobs in our landing grounds, we shall provide them with opportunities to work in our fields and in our streets, we shall give them places to live in the hills. We shall never surrender our commitment to the improvement of life for all!”

Gen. George S. Patton’s adviser Marie Harf on how to win war

“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by curing poverty in the other poor dumb bastard’s country!”

See more here: [url]http://freebeacon.com/blog/general-marie-harf-through-history/[/url]
102.) bluecat - 02/18/2015
103.) bluecat - 02/18/2015
That whole story is just beyond words.
104.) Swamp Fox - 02/18/2015
When an Obamanista's lost Chris "Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews, you know it's bad...

The Obama administration doesn't know how to economically develop the most prosperous and productive nation in the world from a running start; I don't know what makes these clowns think they can draw up a plan for the sandbox. Well, yeah I do, but I have to watch my blood pressure.

[B]But before we get to that, we are forced to ask once again: Are they stupid, naïve, ignorant, incompetent, delusional, or lost at sea? "Furiously paddling?" Or all of the above? [/B]

They certainly don't seem to have their ducks in a row.

Speaking of ducks and "What-the-hell's-going-on?" under the surface:

The interview with Melissa Harris Perry wasn't all as bad as the above moment, but it was what it was: two lefties sitting around, with the one from the media getting a little moist. Holder said his "single failure" as AG was not achieving more gun control.

I believe he left out a few things.

And naturally, he wasn't challenged.

Here's a summary of his career which I came across a while back. I thought was very well done, lest we forget. As good a history and commentary as the Common Sense youtube guy's "Look at that corruption" video, which I can never find when I want it, LOL.

If anyone's interested, because you won't get this from the likes of Melissa Harris Perry:

[I]Eric Holder’s left many baleful legacies: being censured by the House of Representatives; withholding subpoenaed documents, proving untruthful about a failed gun-walking caper in Mexico; failing to enforce laws on the books, from immigration to the elements of the Affordable Care Act; illegally billing the government for his own private use of a government Gulfstream jet; snooping on Associated Press reporters; giving de facto exemptions to renegade IRS politicos; and trying to create civilian trials for terrorist killers like KSM, one of the architects of the 9/11 attacks. But he will be known mostly for re-teaching Americans to think of race as essential, not incidental, to our characters.

Read more: [url]http://pjmedia.com/victordavishanson/the-moral-failure-of-eric-holder/#ixzz3S7R95ti0[/url]
105.) Swamp Fox - 02/18/2015
When an Obamanista's lost Chris "Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews, you know it's bad...

The Obama administration doesn't know how to economically develop the most prosperous and productive nation in the world from a running start; I don't know what makes these clowns think they can draw up a plan for the sandbox. Well, yeah I do, but I have to watch my blood pressure.

[B]But before we get to that, we are forced to ask once again: Are they stupid, naïve, ignorant, incompetent, delusional, or lost at sea? "Furiously paddling?" Or all of the above? [/B]

They certainly don't seem to have their ducks in a row.

Speaking of ducks and "What-the-hell's-going-on?" under the surface:

The interview with Melissa Harris Perry wasn't all as bad as the above moment, but it was what it was: two lefties sitting around, with the one from the media getting a little moist. Holder said his "single failure" as AG was not achieving more gun control.

I believe he left out a few things.

And naturally, he wasn't challenged.

Here's a summary of his career which I came across a while back. I thought was very well done, lest we forget. As good a history and commentary as the Common Sense youtube guy's "Look at that corruption" video, which I can never find when I want it, LOL.

If anyone's interested, read the whole article, because you won't get this from the likes of Melissa Harris Perry:

[I]Eric Holder’s left many baleful legacies: being censured by the House of Representatives; withholding subpoenaed documents, proving untruthful about a failed gun-walking caper in Mexico; failing to enforce laws on the books, from immigration to the elements of the Affordable Care Act; illegally billing the government for his own private use of a government Gulfstream jet; snooping on Associated Press reporters; giving de facto exemptions to renegade IRS politicos; and trying to create civilian trials for terrorist killers like KSM, one of the architects of the 9/11 attacks. But he will be known mostly for re-teaching Americans to think of race as essential, not incidental, to our characters.

Read more: [url]http://pjmedia.com/victordavishanson/the-moral-failure-of-eric-holder/#ixzz3S7R95ti0[/url]
106.) bluecat - 02/20/2015
Well now I'm curious. If your resume showed that you had lopped off some heads, would you be given preferential treatment in a jobs program?

I'll hang up and listen.
107.) Swamp Fox - 02/20/2015
You would be highly sought-after by all the headhunting firms...
108.) bluecat - 02/20/2015
+7 :tu:
109.) bluecat - 03/13/2015
Secret Service agents nearly drove over 'suspicious package' in investigation near White House, sources say


Glad things are turning around...:wave:
110.) Swamp Fox - 12/29/2015
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][B][COLOR="#ff3399"]State Department Goes Full Disney[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

[B]State Dept. counts 'bringing peace' to Syria as a 2015 win[/B]

[I]The State Department is counting "bringing peace" to Syria as one of its wins in 2015.

A boastful recap of the State Department’s accomplishments, written by spokesman John Kirby, includes the bold subheadline of "Bringing Peace, Security to Syria" above a more modest entry talking about U.S. aid for those affected by the country's turmoil and the U.S. push for a political transition from President Bashar Assad.


The apparent declaration of a win echoes comments from President Barack Obama, who has been heavily criticized for calling the Islamic State a "JV team" in a January 2014 article and for calling the group's territorial expansion efforts "contained," just days before the Paris attacks.

Kirby also explicitly touched on the Islamic State, also called ISIL, saying that the U.S. is “winning [the] fight against violent extremists.”

“Although challenges remain, we have made positive strides over the last year, including in our fight against ISIL,” Kirby said. "This forward progress will only continue as more countries pledge resources to the anti-ISIL effort and as citizens around the world increasingly reject ISIL's misguided ideology.”

Kirby cited the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, hosted in February, which he called “monumental.”

Other things the State Department is counting as wins: re-establishing ties with Cuba, protecting the Arctic, clinching the Iran nuclear agreement, stopping the Ebola outbreak, committing to U.N. development goals, securing a free trade deal, preserving ocean health, and reaching the climate agreement. [/I]

Read more: [url]http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/state-department-claims-peace-syria-2015-win-217168#ixzz3vjs8OVQO[/url]
111.) DParker - 12/29/2015
The new heads of the State Departement's PR team approve this message.

112.) Swamp Fox - 12/30/2015

Propaganda exchange students:

113.) Swamp Fox - 06/03/2016
[B]More Video Editing Hijinks[/B]

Monkeys Making Love To A Football:

State Department Lies About Iran Deal, Basically Admits The Lie, Tries to Cover Up The Admission With Video Deletion, Then Lies About The Cover-Up, Then Admits It Was Intentionally Done and Not a Glitch As They'd Claimed... But Nothing More To See Here, Now

I don't know how many people here are following this...LOL...but since we left off on a State Department note in our last episode, I thought I'd highlight the current installment.

Naturally, our old friend Jen Psaki is at the heart of it. She psays she had nothing to do with it...

Here, pull my finger.
114.) billy b - 06/03/2016
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;41552][B]More Video Editing Hijinks[/B]

Monkeys Making Love To A Football:

State Department Lies About Iran Deal, Basically Admits The Lie, Tries to Cover Up The Admission With Video Deletion, Then Lies About The Cover-Up, Then Admits It Was Intentionally Done and Not a Glitch As They'd Claimed... But Nothing More To See Here, Now

I don't know how many people here are following this...LOL...but since we left off on a State Department note in our last episode, I thought I'd highlight the current installment.

Naturally, our old friend Jen Psaki is at the heart of it. She psays she had nothing to do with it...

Here, pull my finger.[/QUOTE]

She plies again.
115.) Swamp Fox - 06/03/2016
It'ps spopspsible pshe haps psychological sproblemps...or ips a psociospath, which I guepsps ips a psychological sproblem, too...
116.) billy b - 06/04/2016
Spoken like a true gentleman:wink
117.) Swamp Fox - 06/08/2016
[B]State Department Needs 75 Years To Release Clinton E-Mails[/B]

Well, if you say so...

118.) bluecat - 06/08/2016
"Dude, that was like 75 years ago."
119.) Swamp Fox - 06/08/2016
Exactly, LOL.

I wonder where he is these days...Probably making six figures.
120.) DParker - 06/08/2016
[quote]"Given the Department's current [Freedom of Information Act] workload and the complexity of these documents, it can process about 500 pages a month...."[/quote]

Maybe they should hire a 2nd minimum wage monkey, thereby doubling their current capacity of a whopping 23 pages / day.
121.) Swamp Fox - 06/08/2016
Seems like the perfect shovel-ready job to me. What's the hold-up?

122.) bluecat - 06/08/2016
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;41628]Exactly, LOL.

I wonder where he is these days...Probably making six figures.[/QUOTE]

123.) Hunter - 06/08/2016
[QUOTE=DParker;41632]Maybe they should hire a 2nd minimum wage monkey, thereby doubling their current capacity of a whopping 23 pages / day.[/QUOTE]

They could probably speed things up a bit if they would move personnel from the video/audio editing department. :-)
124.) Swamp Fox - 06/08/2016
125.) DParker - 06/08/2016
[QUOTE=Hunter;41650]They could probably speed things up a bit if they would move personnel from the video/audio editing department. :-)[/QUOTE]

126.) Swamp Fox - 07/12/2016
Instead of starting a new thread, I think I'll put this here.

Obama's speech at the memorial for the Dallas LEO's quickly slid from a B to a C- and arguably a D the longer he droned on.

It's apparently easier--according to 0--to get a gun than a computer. Please let me know how this works, because I have all the computers I want, but I can't say the same about guns.

Also, speaking about stuff generally, 0 thinks "It's [whatever "it" is] not about finding policies that work; It's about forging concensus." (approximate quote).

As he has proven over and over, it's definitely NOT about finding policies that work, and "forging concensus" is when you cave to all the demands that he makes.
127.) bluecat - 07/12/2016
I heard "Jim Crow" being uttered and just tuned out. Pathetic.
128.) Swamp Fox - 07/12/2016
Jim Crow, hell...a Democrat policy, by the way...Tell me you didn't miss the bit about slavery.

The sad fact is that you have to say his speech was not an F, because history tells us it could have been.
129.) bluecat - 07/12/2016
I did hear the word slavery and know that O is the biggest race agitator we may ever know.

Could you imagine being a cop and listening to all that or the dead cop's wife and family. Then a big thunderous roar of applause at the end...
130.) bluecat - 07/12/2016
Think about the irony.

BLM coordinated with Dallas Police so they could protest "peacefully" under the protection of the police about how they want to "fry 'em like bacon" and then when the shooting started they ran to the cops for protection.
131.) Swamp Fox - 07/12/2016
Jim Crow, hell...a Democrat policy, by the way...Tell me you didn't miss the bit about slavery.

The sad fact is that you have to say his speech was not an F, because history tells you it could have been.
132.) bluecat - 07/12/2016
Alabama’s first-ever black Miss Alabama winner posted a video Sunday, tearfully admitting she views Dallas shooter Micah Johnson as a “martyr” and isn’t upset about the five police he murdered.

In 1994, Kalyn Chapman James became the first, and so far only, black woman to be crowned Miss Alabama, before going on to a top-10 finish in the Miss America pageant. Today, she works as a TV host in Miami, and awards an annual scholarship to the top black finisher at each year’s Miss Alabama.

In a video recorded in her car after leaving church Sunday, James says that, as much as she wished otherwise, she didn’t feel bad about the murder of five police in Dallas and views shooter Micah Johnson as a martyr. Johnson hated white people and wanted to kill police in revenge for the deaths of black men like Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, according to police.

Read more: [url]http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/11/first-black-miss-alabama-dallas-shooter-is-a-martyr-video/#ixzz4EEN3nyuM[/url]
133.) Swamp Fox - 07/12/2016
Well, the good news is that at least Jesse Jackson gets it.

He is against "weapons on the streets that can bring down airplanes."

Good job, school system. (Which Obama thinks is underfunded: see his speech purportedly memorializing slain police officers.) Behold the product of your instruction.

Jackson said that twice in two or three days: Once to Megyn Kelly and once to Shannon Bream. I'm sad to report that only Shannon Bream challenged him on his nonsense.
134.) Swamp Fox - 07/12/2016
Okay, he said it not twice, but at least five times on various media that I can find.

I'm not even gonna comment on his bullshit about people "walking away" ...

Tune in around 5:50 f you want to concentrate on his idiocy (willfull ignorance?) about guns.

135.) bluecat - 07/13/2016
Oh, what a bag o' hammers...:wink

Lots of walking going on...
136.) bluecat - 07/13/2016
[QUOTE=bluecat;42311]Alabama’s first-ever black Miss Alabama winner posted a video Sunday, tearfully admitting she views Dallas shooter Micah Johnson as a “martyr” and isn’t upset about the five police he murdered.

In 1994, Kalyn Chapman James became the first, and so far only, black woman to be crowned Miss Alabama, before going on to a top-10 finish in the Miss America pageant. Today, she works as a TV host in Miami, and awards an annual scholarship to the top black finisher at each year’s Miss Alabama.

In a video recorded in her car after leaving church Sunday, James says that, as much as she wished otherwise, she didn’t feel bad about the murder of five police in Dallas and views shooter Micah Johnson as a martyr. Johnson hated white people and wanted to kill police in revenge for the deaths of black men like Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, according to police.

Read more: [url]http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/11/first-black-miss-alabama-dallas-shooter-is-a-martyr-video/#ixzz4EEN3nyuM[/url][/QUOTE]

Saw her on Hannity last night. She was rude and disrespectful and of course, she didn't mean it.
137.) Swamp Fox - 10/09/2018
[B][SIZE=3]A Vox Mystery: Why Have Deductibles Risen Eight Times Faster Than Wages Since 2008?[/SIZE][/B]

Better Vox mystery: How do you write about health insurance costs without mentioning the biggest government intervention in the markets in history? On Friday, Vox’s health-care analyst Sarah Kliff attempted to explain the rise in interest for single-payer health care by using this chart showing Americans having to pay far more of their costs out of pocket. Kliff gets this chart from the Kaiser Family Foundation showing deductibles skyrocketing over the last decade — but never quite explains why:


Ever since ObamaCare first passed, we have written nearly continuously on how it has created the worst of both worlds. Rather than encourage people to get low-cost competitive hospitalization coverage and use HSAs and FSAs for out-of-pocket expenses, ObamaCare forced insurers to sell only high-cost comprehensive plans with enormous deductibles in order to stay afloat. That means we pay a fortune for premiums to cover services most of us never will never use, while also paying cash for practically everything else.

The market distortion caused by government intervention in ObamaCare is directly responsible for the skyrocketing deductibles and personal costs. The last thing we need is more government intervention in these markets. It’s quite telling that Kliff never even mentions ObamaCare in attempting to make this outcome an argument for the competence of government in health care.
