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1.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
This is great, from a Yahoo "Finance" writer whose avatar is "24/7 Wall Street" (also the name of his website):
[I]Gun company Beretta is tone deaf when it comes to calls for restrictions on powerful guns sold in the United States. [B]It must be the chance to make money. [/B] Beretta's website carried an announcement that the ARX100 is "shipping now." Beretta markets the rifle as "Italian Design -- American Built." [B]Regardless of its origins, the gun is unusually powerful... [/B] [/I] Emphasis mine. Horrors that a business is interested in making money. And Gadzooks!: the 5.56 rifle is practically a bazooka. The report continues: [I]...And maybe most important of all, the ARX100 is reasonably priced at $1,950, which does not include bullets. For the real gun lover, the ARX100 is available at hundreds of locations, as this helpful search tool at the Beretta website shows. [/I] [url]http://finance.yahoo.com/news/beretta-super-rifle-104303433.html;_ylt=AwrBEiSs6s9TdkwAJFrQtDMD[/url] Oh, thtop! The snark ith devathtating! Maketh me wanna put on my pajamath and hug a warm cup of cocoa! For more insight, go here, and read the comments. Good for several giggles and some unusually powerful guffaws: [url]http://minx.cc:1080/?post=350668[/url] [I]Beretta's press release makes no claims whatsoever about a 5.56mm rifle being "unusually powerful" -- probably because people would laugh at them if they did. Instead, their press release calls out the gun for being "reliable" and "versatile." They also talk about the gun being "ambidextrous," which perhaps is a word whose meaning Yahoo's Finance Editor (or whatever he is) doesn't know. Maybe he thinks it means "filled with crocodiles." Anyway, there's a lot to laugh at here. I've barely scratched the surface. [/I] 2.) DParker - 07/24/2014
[QUOTE]"Regardless of its origins, the gun is unusually powerful."[/QUOTE]
And with a top speed of 85 MPH the "Smart Car" is unusually fast. 3.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
I wonder if you get to "write" for Yahoo ever again, if your post generates 1600 comments mocking you as a moron in less than 18 hours?
4.) DParker - 07/24/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;22381]I wonder if you get to "write" for Yahoo ever again, if your post generates 1600 comments mocking you as a moron in less than 18 hours?[/QUOTE]
Are you kidding? Given the stuff I've seen on there over the years I'm pretty sure that results in a promotion and a raise. 5.) Wild Bob - 07/24/2014
May be this 'writer' should stick to writing about Wall Street specifically, because he certainly doesn't know his ass from an unusually powerful rifle caliber.
6.) Wild Bob - 07/24/2014
Oh, may be that's because he can fit an unusually powerful gun up there!
7.) Wild Bob - 07/24/2014
Sorry... I'll try to keep my 'unusually powerful' comments to myself...(what a F()@%in Idiot.)
8.) Hunter - 07/24/2014
Almost 1700 replies -I'm not reading all of them! But, I'm assuming that the writer doesn't respond!
9.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
That was a rhetorical question. Here's another one: Do these people ever feel shame when confronted? As in "I should have done a better job on that" or "I should have been honest"? Do Hillary or Barry or Rahm-- or his brother Zeke and the genius from MIT, John Gruber (chief architects of Obamcare)_--Do they ever say to themselves, ""You know, I really effed that up" or "I really don't feel good about lying"? Insert your blatant example from the other side of the aisle here _______ , if you have one. The Yahoo writer might be a 23 year-old nitwit or a 60 year-old veteran "newsman"---anyone want to lay odds?--but either way he is not too bright. What gets me is when I see obviously intelligent, well-educated people spreading manure that is blatantly false, either explicitly or by clear omission of relevant context. I wonder how they sleep at night. (Yes, I know...pharmaceutically...:shh:) But seriously: it must be soul-crushing. I have a lot more respect for someone I vehemently disagree with if A) he is not an imbecile and B) he is intellectually honest. Honest imbeciles are in a category unto themselves, and I'm not sure I've figured out what to do with them quite yet. Perhaps a combination of Christian charity and retreating to my man-cave for a few stiff drinks is the only answer. So I say until shame makes a comeback and meritocracy returns, if they ever do, let the mockery and rhetorical questions continue... 10.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
[QUOTE=DParker;22382]Are you kidding? Given the stuff I've seen on there over the years I'm pretty sure that results in a promotion and a raise.[/QUOTE]
LOL... That was a rhetorical question. Here's another one: Do these people ever feel shame when confronted? As in "I should have done a better job on that" or "I should have been honest"? Do Hillary or Barry or Rahm-- or his brother Zeke and the genius from MIT, Jon Gruber (chief architects of Obamcare)_--Do they ever say to themselves, ""You know, I really effed that up" or "I really don't feel good about lying"? Insert your blatant example from the other side of the aisle here _______ , if you have one. The Yahoo writer might be a 23 year-old nitwit or a 60 year-old veteran "newsman"---anyone want to lay odds?--but either way he is not too bright. What gets me is when I see obviously intelligent, well-educated people spreading manure that is blatantly false, either explicitly or by clear omission of relevant context. I wonder how they sleep at night. (Yes, I know...pharmaceutically...:shh:) But seriously: it must be soul-crushing. I have a lot more respect for someone I vehemently disagree with if A) he is not an imbecile and B) he is intellectually honest. Honest imbeciles are in a category unto themselves, and I'm not sure I've figured out what to do with them quite yet. Perhaps a combination of Christian charity and retreating to my man-cave for a few stiff drinks is the only answer. So I say until shame makes a comeback and meritocracy returns, if they ever do, let the mockery and rhetorical questions continue... 11.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
[QUOTE=Hunter;22386]Almost 1700 replies -I'm not reading all of them! But, I'm assuming that the writer doesn't respond![/QUOTE]
Not that I noticed, LOL... If I come across any gems from him on Twitter, I'll pass them along. I expect he's getting reamed over there as well, if he Twits. Which I'll bet he does, at least for a little while longer, LOL. :wink 12.) Hunter - 07/24/2014
Checked out his twitter feed.......... more of the same comments. No reply!
13.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
I expect he won't engage...magna cum laude from Harvard and all that...
It's true. Not even I can make that kind of stuff up. :shocked: 14.) Swamp Fox - 07/24/2014
[I]An assailant armed with the ARX100 and a derringer would be basically immortal.[/I]
---Gristle Encased Head, on [I]Ace of Spades [/I]website Possibly my favorite comment that I know of...:wink 15.) Hunter - 07/25/2014
He has responded on twitter............... a little back and forth going on
[url]https://twitter.com/dougmcintyre/status/491938915675148288[/url] 16.) Wild Bob - 07/25/2014
Like I said, what a F()@%in Idiot...that's with a capital I.
What really galls me about BS like this is this: In my profession; if I did anything based on such idiotic and bluntly incorrect information (or even just publicly stated such misinformation) - I'd be looking for another job in the matter of hours. Then you look at some ding-bat like this, and they just chug along and get away with making a living being wrong. I don't get it. (I guess the only saving grace here is that at least no one's safety or health is depending on the junk this guy pukes out...) :re: 17.) Swamp Fox - 07/25/2014
He's scrambling: Yahoo has asked readers if his post was inaccurate.
And he posted this early this AM (I suppose he think it's further evidence that the 5.56 is "unusually powerful") and followed it up with a post reading "Good enough for the Italian military"[COLOR="#FF0000"] [Insert editorial snort and powerful guffaw here____ ][/COLOR]: [I]another article about what an awesome weapon the Beretta ARX100 us [/I] [COLOR="#FF0000"][sic][/COLOR] [url]http://www.tactical-life.com/magazines/beretta-arx100-5-56mm/?scrape=true[/url] … His website (24/7 Wall St.)has this gem up on MSN today....If you weren't smelling an agenda before, take the toilet paper out of your nose (comments section will serve as a refutation, so don't miss that): Five States With The Most Gun Violence: [url]http://money.msn.com/insurance/5-states-with-the-most-gun-violence#scpshrtu[/url] 18.) DParker - 07/25/2014
[QUOTE=Swamp Fox;22416][I]another article about what an awesome weapon the Beretta ARX100 us [/I][/QUOTE]
It just sounds to me like he's angling for a sales job with Beretta. |