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1.) Deerminator - 06/22/2014
[COLOR="#0000FF"][SIZE=7]With a cowculator!... [/SIZE] [/COLOR]:laugh::laugh:
2.) Floyd - 06/22/2014
A cow walks up to a bar and says, "Hay, bartender."
3.) Floyd - 06/22/2014
A cow walks into a bar and....never mind, I'll think of some utter joke.
4.) Floyd - 06/22/2014
A baby cow walks into a bar. The bartender refuses to serve him.

Insulted, he says, “FINE, I’ll drink in some udder place”
5.) Deerminator - 06/22/2014
6.) Deerminator - 06/22/2014

7.) Floyd - 06/22/2014
Ever see Crookedeye have a cow?

It ain't pretty.....
8.) crookedeye - 06/22/2014
9.) Floyd - 06/22/2014
I never laughed so hard in my life.

Until I realized that joke can be taken in oh so many different ways.

The mental picture of a cow with crookedeyes....kills me. :laugh:

10.) Floyd - 06/22/2014
11.) bluecat - 06/23/2014
You would think that a cow would be good at cowculus.