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1.) brianerwin - 05/24/2014
My name is Brian Erwin. I do believe that I have been here before, I think it was called Bow country before. I was a member at that phase of this forum.
No I didn't make anyone mad and get extricated from the forum, I think maybe since I was not always on I think I was removed for inactivity.

Anyway, I have been shooting Archery since 2008 as this is where a new phase of my life began and the old life ended. Archery was the vehicle that
brought me back to life. From this new start, I began making bowstrings in 2009 and started to seriously make strings, I sold on ebay worldwide
and have a really big clientele. My string business is called B3 Bowstrings. You may have heard of it, maybe not, but I have a pretty strong product.

I am interested in making strings and I am interested in 3D shoots.
2.) Jag - 05/24/2014
Welcome. If I remember right the forum was rebooted to this forum.
3.) Hunter - 05/24/2014
:wave: Welcome, Brian!
4.) ARCHERXP - 05/26/2014
5.) Ar-mink - 05/26/2014